BUENO, A.A.; BELENTANI, S.C.S. MOTTA-JUNIOR, J.C. 2002. Feeding ecology of the maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus (Illiger, 1815) (Mammalia: Canidae), in the Ecological Station of Itirapina, São Paulo State, Brazil. Biota Neotropica 2(2):http://www.biotaneotropica.org.br/v2n2/pt/abstract?article+BN01802022002.
Abstract. The feeding ecology of the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) was studied from 1998 to 2002 in the Ecological Station of Itirapina, São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil, including estimates of prey number and biomass consumption. A total of 325 faecal samples was collected in the area. The species is omnivorous, with a broad diet including 68 species or morphospecies of fruits and animals. Armadillos (Dasypodidae), wolf’s fruit (Solanum lycocarpum) and small mammals (mostly Clyomys bishopi) were the bulk of the diet, comprising 72.8 % of the total estimated biomass consumed (185,323.4 g). In terms of frequency of occurrence, on the other hand, only small mammals and other miscellaneous fruits yielded 43.4% of the total occurrences (N = 1,054). Animal prey ranging from 0.01 and 0.1 Kg were the most captured category, resulting in 44.2 % of 507 captured animals. The maned wolf seems to be seasonally opportunistic, at least for fruits and insects, as indicated by the variation of the consumption of these items along the year. The higher consumption of fruits and animals characteristic of savannah can be an important factor to consider in future management plans for the species.
sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2012
sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2012
Fruit occurrence in the diet of the Neotropical otter, Lontra longicaudis, in southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest and its implication for seed dispersion
QUADROS, J.; MONTEIRO-FILHO, E.L.A. 2000. Fruit occurrence in the diet of the Neotropical otter, Lontra longicaudis, in southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest and its implication for seed dispersion. Mastozoología Neotropical 7(1):33-36.
Astract. The Neotropical otter has been described as insectivorous and piscivorous cancrivorous. We registered the presence of fruit remains in the scats of the Neotropical otter and developed an analysis about the occurrence and importance of fruits in its diet. This study was carried out from September 1995 to March 1997 in Reserva Volta Velha, an Atlantic Forest area in south Brazil. Otter scats were collected along rivers, washed, dried and analyzed. Seeds found in scats were identified by comparison with a reference collection and their viability was tested in germination ground plots. Fruit collectors helped studying the availability of these fruit species during seven months. A total of 202 scats were collected but only six (3%) presented fruit remains. Identified seeds from only four scats indicated that otters ate three fruit species: Marlierea tomentosa (Myrtaceae), Manilkara subsericea (Sapotaceae) and Pouteria lasiocarpa (Rubiaceae). The availability results indicate that all three are abundant fruit species in the study area, specially the former. In the germination experiments all seeds of M. tomentosa germinated (n=16). Considering the daily movement pattern of the Neotropical otter, and the high germination rate of M. tomentosa, it is possible that the Neotropical otter is a seed disperser for this plant species in the study site.
Astract. The Neotropical otter has been described as insectivorous and piscivorous cancrivorous. We registered the presence of fruit remains in the scats of the Neotropical otter and developed an analysis about the occurrence and importance of fruits in its diet. This study was carried out from September 1995 to March 1997 in Reserva Volta Velha, an Atlantic Forest area in south Brazil. Otter scats were collected along rivers, washed, dried and analyzed. Seeds found in scats were identified by comparison with a reference collection and their viability was tested in germination ground plots. Fruit collectors helped studying the availability of these fruit species during seven months. A total of 202 scats were collected but only six (3%) presented fruit remains. Identified seeds from only four scats indicated that otters ate three fruit species: Marlierea tomentosa (Myrtaceae), Manilkara subsericea (Sapotaceae) and Pouteria lasiocarpa (Rubiaceae). The availability results indicate that all three are abundant fruit species in the study area, specially the former. In the germination experiments all seeds of M. tomentosa germinated (n=16). Considering the daily movement pattern of the Neotropical otter, and the high germination rate of M. tomentosa, it is possible that the Neotropical otter is a seed disperser for this plant species in the study site.
sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2012
Feeding of the Neotropical river otter (Lontra longicaudis) in the coastal region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil
COLARES, E.P.; WALDEMARIN, H.F. 2000. Feeding of the Neotropical river otter (Lontra longicaudis) in the coastal region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil. IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull. 17(1):1-6.
Abstract. In the coastal region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, in southern Brazil, three areas were monitored to study the feeding habits of the neotropical river otter (Lontra longicaudis) using spraint analysis. The National Park of the Peixe Lagoon was monitored seasonally between August 1995 and July 1996, in the Senandes Creek five samplings were done between June and December 1995 and in the Estiva Creek monthly samplings were done between May 1995 and July 1996. In each of these areas spraints were collected and stored. In the laboratory they were washed, separated and identified. The only area where it was possible to do a seasonal analysis of the feeding habits was the Estiva Creek. In all areas fish was the item found in the great number of spraints and crustaceans also had a considerable importance in areas with salt-water influence. The other items found were present in few samples, being them mollusks, insect, reptiles, birds and mammals. The differences observed in the feeding habits of the species between seasons and areas probably reflects the availability of different preys, agreeing the species opportunism.
Abstract. In the coastal region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, in southern Brazil, three areas were monitored to study the feeding habits of the neotropical river otter (Lontra longicaudis) using spraint analysis. The National Park of the Peixe Lagoon was monitored seasonally between August 1995 and July 1996, in the Senandes Creek five samplings were done between June and December 1995 and in the Estiva Creek monthly samplings were done between May 1995 and July 1996. In each of these areas spraints were collected and stored. In the laboratory they were washed, separated and identified. The only area where it was possible to do a seasonal analysis of the feeding habits was the Estiva Creek. In all areas fish was the item found in the great number of spraints and crustaceans also had a considerable importance in areas with salt-water influence. The other items found were present in few samples, being them mollusks, insect, reptiles, birds and mammals. The differences observed in the feeding habits of the species between seasons and areas probably reflects the availability of different preys, agreeing the species opportunism.
sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012
Rarity in Neotropical bats: correlations with phylogeny, diet, and body mass
ARITA, H.T. 1993. Rarity in Neotropical bats: correlations with phylogeny, diet, and body mass. Ecological Applications 3(3):506-517.
Abstract. Bats are an important component of tropical faunas, both in terms of number of species and total biomass. Very little information, however, is available on the status and conservation of this diverse group. To contribute to the solution of this problem, rarity among Neotropical bats was analyzed using a set of 150 species. Rarity was quantified by local abundance and area of distributional range and by a combined index of rarity created by compounding these two variables. Nested analyses of variance showed local abundance to be more variable among genera than at any other taxonomic level, and area of distribution to be more variable among species. No significant correlation with body mass was found for local abundance or for area of distribution. Similarly, no correlation was found between distribution and abundance. Local abundance, but not area of distribution, varied significantly among taxonomic and trophic categories. At the local level, bats of the family Molossidae tend to be less abundant than other species. Bats that feed on plant parts or products (fruit, nectar, and pollen) are more abundant than insectivores and carnivores. The distribution of species among Rabinowitz' categories of rarity varied among taxonomic and trophic groups. The classification of rarity and the combined index of rarity introduced here can be used as guidelines for the identification of vulnerable species.
Abstract. Bats are an important component of tropical faunas, both in terms of number of species and total biomass. Very little information, however, is available on the status and conservation of this diverse group. To contribute to the solution of this problem, rarity among Neotropical bats was analyzed using a set of 150 species. Rarity was quantified by local abundance and area of distributional range and by a combined index of rarity created by compounding these two variables. Nested analyses of variance showed local abundance to be more variable among genera than at any other taxonomic level, and area of distribution to be more variable among species. No significant correlation with body mass was found for local abundance or for area of distribution. Similarly, no correlation was found between distribution and abundance. Local abundance, but not area of distribution, varied significantly among taxonomic and trophic categories. At the local level, bats of the family Molossidae tend to be less abundant than other species. Bats that feed on plant parts or products (fruit, nectar, and pollen) are more abundant than insectivores and carnivores. The distribution of species among Rabinowitz' categories of rarity varied among taxonomic and trophic groups. The classification of rarity and the combined index of rarity introduced here can be used as guidelines for the identification of vulnerable species.
sábado, 1 de dezembro de 2012
The status of the jaguar in the Pantanal
CAVALCANTI, S.M.C.; AZEVEDO, F.C.C.; TOMÁS, W.M.; BOULHOSA, R.L.P.; CRAWSHAW JR., P.G. 2012. The status of the jaguar in the Pantanal. CATnews Special Issue 7:29-34.
Abstract. The Pantanal is considered an important area for the conservation of jaguars Panthera onca in the long-term. In comparison to other biomes in Brazil, the Pantanal can be considered still relatively well preserved. According to a recent study, the original vegetation cover remains intact in 85% of the Pantanal plain. However, in the uplands of the Upper Paraguay watershed over 50% of the original vegetation has been altered. This situation is worrisome as this area harbors the headwaters of the rivers that are responsible for maintaining the wet and dry cycles of the Pantanal. As opposed to previously reported, only about 63% of the Pantanal biome is actually occupied by jaguars. Habitat fragmentation caused by human presence and intensification of land use is a threat to jaguars in the Pantanal. Other threats include high levels of retaliation from ranchers due to livestock depredation and the lack of enforcement by wildlife authorities, illegal hunting tourism activity, pasture management through the use of annual fires, and the mining industry. The first estimate of a jaguar population in Brazil was conducted in the southern Pantanal (6.5-7.0 jaguars/km2), although the distribution of the species is heterogeneous, which precludes an accurate estimation of the current population size in this biome. Authorities should recognize the cost associated with grazing cattle in an area where jaguars exist in considerable numbers and regularly prey on cattle. A unique regional policy could address some of the problem, perhaps in the form of tax benefits, special lines of credit, or a regional increase in beef prices. It is important that environmental actions be implemented to increase market value of cattle raised in the region without changing the main characteristics of the Pantanal.
Abstract. The Pantanal is considered an important area for the conservation of jaguars Panthera onca in the long-term. In comparison to other biomes in Brazil, the Pantanal can be considered still relatively well preserved. According to a recent study, the original vegetation cover remains intact in 85% of the Pantanal plain. However, in the uplands of the Upper Paraguay watershed over 50% of the original vegetation has been altered. This situation is worrisome as this area harbors the headwaters of the rivers that are responsible for maintaining the wet and dry cycles of the Pantanal. As opposed to previously reported, only about 63% of the Pantanal biome is actually occupied by jaguars. Habitat fragmentation caused by human presence and intensification of land use is a threat to jaguars in the Pantanal. Other threats include high levels of retaliation from ranchers due to livestock depredation and the lack of enforcement by wildlife authorities, illegal hunting tourism activity, pasture management through the use of annual fires, and the mining industry. The first estimate of a jaguar population in Brazil was conducted in the southern Pantanal (6.5-7.0 jaguars/km2), although the distribution of the species is heterogeneous, which precludes an accurate estimation of the current population size in this biome. Authorities should recognize the cost associated with grazing cattle in an area where jaguars exist in considerable numbers and regularly prey on cattle. A unique regional policy could address some of the problem, perhaps in the form of tax benefits, special lines of credit, or a regional increase in beef prices. It is important that environmental actions be implemented to increase market value of cattle raised in the region without changing the main characteristics of the Pantanal.
sábado, 24 de novembro de 2012
Rediscovery and redescription of Marmosops handleyi (Pine, 1981) (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae), the least known Andean slender mouse opossum
DÍAZ-N., J.; GÓMEZ-LAVERDE, M.; SÁNCHEZ-GIRALDO, C. 2011. Rediscovery and redescription of Marmosops handleyi (Pine, 1981) (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae), the least known Andean slender mouse opossum. Mastozoología Neotropical 18(1):45-61.
Abstract. Marmosops handleyi was briefly described in 1981 based on two specimens collected in 1950 in the northern Andes of Colombia. Until now there have been no additional reported records for this species, and knowledge about its taxonomy, ecology, natural history and evolutionary relationships is deficient. Aiming to assess its current distribution, we searched for this species at four localities in the northern part of the Colombian Cordillera Central, where we collected the new material on which this report is based. Morphological comparisons with a sympatric congeneric species herein identified as M. caucae, revealed new external and craniodental characters that we use to redescribe M. handleyi. Our phylogenetic analysis groups M. handleyi as the sister taxon of a clade of small-bodied forms (M. parvidens + M. pinheiroi), and a basal polytomy includes M. caucae (a Colombian taxon currently synonymized with M. impavidus) and other large-bodied forms. Finally, a reassessment of M. handleyi’s current conservation status suggests that the species should be transferred from Critically Endangered (CR) to Endangered (EN) IUCN category based on our discovery of additional extant populations.
Abstract. Marmosops handleyi was briefly described in 1981 based on two specimens collected in 1950 in the northern Andes of Colombia. Until now there have been no additional reported records for this species, and knowledge about its taxonomy, ecology, natural history and evolutionary relationships is deficient. Aiming to assess its current distribution, we searched for this species at four localities in the northern part of the Colombian Cordillera Central, where we collected the new material on which this report is based. Morphological comparisons with a sympatric congeneric species herein identified as M. caucae, revealed new external and craniodental characters that we use to redescribe M. handleyi. Our phylogenetic analysis groups M. handleyi as the sister taxon of a clade of small-bodied forms (M. parvidens + M. pinheiroi), and a basal polytomy includes M. caucae (a Colombian taxon currently synonymized with M. impavidus) and other large-bodied forms. Finally, a reassessment of M. handleyi’s current conservation status suggests that the species should be transferred from Critically Endangered (CR) to Endangered (EN) IUCN category based on our discovery of additional extant populations.
sábado, 17 de novembro de 2012
Jumping ability in the arboreal locomotion of didelphid marsupials
DELCIELLOS, A.C.; VIEIRA, M.V. 2009. Jumping ability in the arboreal locomotion of didelphid marsupials. Mastozoología Neotropical 16(2):299-307.
Abstract. Didelphid marsupials are considered to cross discontinuities between arboreal supports using a cautious locomotion, using the prehensile tail as fifth limb. However, this ability was only described for Caluromys philander. We describe and compare the locomotory performance and postural behavior of seven species of didelphid marsupials crossing discontinuities between artificial supports representing arboreal gaps. Individuals were captured in areas of Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Animals were stimulated to jump from a fixed horizontal support one meter above the ground to an inclined support of same diameter. We measured the maximum distance of jump (40, 60, 80 or 100 cm) and reach or distance actually reached by the jump. Arboreal species (Marmosops incanus, Gracilinanus microtarsus, Micoureus paraguayanus, and C. philander) jumped longer distances and had longer relative reach in jumps than semi-terrestrial species (Didelphis aurita, and Philander frenatus). Only the specialized terrestrial Metachirus nudicaudatus did not jump in the tests. The relation between absolute reach and body size was weak and non significant. This study did not corroborate the view that didelphid marsupials cross discontinuities between arboreal supports only through a cautious locomotion, without jumping. On the contrary, we identified patterns of jumping performance and behavior of didelphid marsupials related to their use of the vertical strata.
sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2012
Curso: O Guia do Mochileiro da Biosfera
A biologia é um campo de vasta atuação e em constante transformação. É comum entre os graduandos, principalmente aos recém-ingressos, apresentarem dificuldades na compreensão dos temas chaves e de sua respectiva aplicabilidade no campo profissional. Na biologia existem tantos caminhos a seguir, que o mochileiro iniciante necessita de um guia para se localizar e que sirva de ferramenta para orientá-lo em seu caminho.
A oficina "O Guia do Mochileiro da Biosfera" visa proporcionar, principalmente para alunos iniciantes do curso de Ciências Biológicas, um panorama geral acerca das possibilidades de colocação do profissional de Biologia no mercado de trabalho, além de aspectos iniciais dos assuntos-chave que precisam estar bem estruturados e embasados para um melhor aproveitamento do curso como um todo. Além disso, o curso também oferecerá módulos práticos em campo e laboratório, para desenvolver uma familiaridade com equipamentos, normas e atividades básicas nestes ambientes, além de um módulo sobre divulgação e comunicação científica.
Maiores informações em http://www.unisinos.br/extensao/evento/EX120405/EX120405-00001/620/apresentacao.
A oficina "O Guia do Mochileiro da Biosfera" visa proporcionar, principalmente para alunos iniciantes do curso de Ciências Biológicas, um panorama geral acerca das possibilidades de colocação do profissional de Biologia no mercado de trabalho, além de aspectos iniciais dos assuntos-chave que precisam estar bem estruturados e embasados para um melhor aproveitamento do curso como um todo. Além disso, o curso também oferecerá módulos práticos em campo e laboratório, para desenvolver uma familiaridade com equipamentos, normas e atividades básicas nestes ambientes, além de um módulo sobre divulgação e comunicação científica.
Maiores informações em http://www.unisinos.br/extensao/evento/EX120405/EX120405-00001/620/apresentacao.
sábado, 29 de setembro de 2012
Toward an ecological synthesis: a case for habitat selection
MORRIS, D.W. 2003. Toward an ecological synthesis: a case for habitat selection. Oecologia 136:1-13.
Abstract. Habitat selection, and its associated density and frequency-dependent evolution, has a profound influence on such vital phenomena as population regulation, species interactions, the assembly of ecological communities, and the origin and maintenance of biodiversity. Different strategies of habitat selection, and their importance in ecology and evolution, can often be revealed simply by plots of density in adjacent habitats. For individual species, the strategies are closely intertwined with mechanisms of population regulation, and with the persistence of populations through time. For interacting species, strategies of habitat selection are not only responsible for species coexistence, but provide one of the most convenient mechanisms for measuring competition, and the various community structures caused by competitive interactions. Other kinds of interactions, such as those between predators and prey, demonstrate that an understanding of the coevolution of habitat-selection strategies among strongly interacting species is essential to properly interpret their spatial and temporal dynamics. At the evolutionary scale, the frequency dependence associated with habitat selection may often allow populations to diverge and diversify into separate species. Habitat selection thereby demonstrates how we can map microevolutionary strategies in behavior onto their population and community consequences, and from there, onto macroevolutionary patterns of speciation and adaptive radiation. We can anticipate that future studies of habitat selection will not only help us complete those maps, but that they will also continue to enrich the panoply of ideas that shape evolutionary ecology.
Abstract. Habitat selection, and its associated density and frequency-dependent evolution, has a profound influence on such vital phenomena as population regulation, species interactions, the assembly of ecological communities, and the origin and maintenance of biodiversity. Different strategies of habitat selection, and their importance in ecology and evolution, can often be revealed simply by plots of density in adjacent habitats. For individual species, the strategies are closely intertwined with mechanisms of population regulation, and with the persistence of populations through time. For interacting species, strategies of habitat selection are not only responsible for species coexistence, but provide one of the most convenient mechanisms for measuring competition, and the various community structures caused by competitive interactions. Other kinds of interactions, such as those between predators and prey, demonstrate that an understanding of the coevolution of habitat-selection strategies among strongly interacting species is essential to properly interpret their spatial and temporal dynamics. At the evolutionary scale, the frequency dependence associated with habitat selection may often allow populations to diverge and diversify into separate species. Habitat selection thereby demonstrates how we can map microevolutionary strategies in behavior onto their population and community consequences, and from there, onto macroevolutionary patterns of speciation and adaptive radiation. We can anticipate that future studies of habitat selection will not only help us complete those maps, but that they will also continue to enrich the panoply of ideas that shape evolutionary ecology.
sábado, 22 de setembro de 2012
Frugivoria e potencial dispersão de sementes pelo marsupial Gracilinanus agilis (Didelphidae: Didelphimorphia) em áreas de Cerrado no Brasil central
CAMARGO, N.F.; CRUZ, R.M.S.; RIBEIRO, J.F.; VIEIRA, E.M. 2011. Frugivoria e potencial dispersão de sementes pelo marsupial Gracilinanus agilis (Didelphidae: Didelphimorphia) em áreas de Cerrado no Brasil central. Acta Botanica Brasilica 25(3):646-656.
Abstract. (Frugivory and potential seed dispersal by the marsupial Gracilinanus agilis (Didelphidae: Didelphimorphia) in areas of Cerrado in central Brazil). In the present study, we investigated patterns of fruit consumption and viability of seeds consumed by the marsupial Gracilinanus agilis (Burmeister, 1854) in four cerrado sites in central Brazil. Faecal analysis indicated that this mammal feeds on seeds of pioneer plant species of Melastomataceae (Miconia albicans (Sw.) Triana, M. cuspidata Naudin, M. ferruginata DC., M. pepericarpa DC., M. pohliana Cogn. and Ossaea congestil ora (Naudin) Cogn.), Solanaceae (one unidentified species), and Viscaceae (Phoradendron perrottetii (DC.) Eichler, mistletoe). We recorded the highest reported rate of fruit consumption for Gracilinanus, with about 45% of the scats containing seeds and 86% containing items derived from fruits (N = 422). With the exception of O. congestiflora, the remaining seed species tested did not suffer negative effects on germination rates after passing through the marsupial guts. The analysis of intraspecific variation in the total number of Miconia seeds found in scats indicated that females defecate a significantly greater number of seeds (mean±EP = 21.7±3.8) than males (14.4±3.0) (F = 26.32; P < 0.0001). The factor season was also significant (F=452.22; P<0.0001) as well as the interaction between sex and season (F=30.10; P < 0.0001). Both females and males increased their fruit consumption in the dry season, but in the rainy season females had more seeds than males in their faeces. Later during this season, we observed a higher number of Miconia seeds defecated by reproductive females (24.7±6.6) compared to non-reproductive females (12.9±2.8) (P = 0.031). Our results indicate that G. agilis feeds selectively on Melastomataceae, which suggests these plants play an important role in the diet of this marsupial in relation to energy and water demands, especially during the dry-cool season.
Abstract. (Frugivory and potential seed dispersal by the marsupial Gracilinanus agilis (Didelphidae: Didelphimorphia) in areas of Cerrado in central Brazil). In the present study, we investigated patterns of fruit consumption and viability of seeds consumed by the marsupial Gracilinanus agilis (Burmeister, 1854) in four cerrado sites in central Brazil. Faecal analysis indicated that this mammal feeds on seeds of pioneer plant species of Melastomataceae (Miconia albicans (Sw.) Triana, M. cuspidata Naudin, M. ferruginata DC., M. pepericarpa DC., M. pohliana Cogn. and Ossaea congestil ora (Naudin) Cogn.), Solanaceae (one unidentified species), and Viscaceae (Phoradendron perrottetii (DC.) Eichler, mistletoe). We recorded the highest reported rate of fruit consumption for Gracilinanus, with about 45% of the scats containing seeds and 86% containing items derived from fruits (N = 422). With the exception of O. congestiflora, the remaining seed species tested did not suffer negative effects on germination rates after passing through the marsupial guts. The analysis of intraspecific variation in the total number of Miconia seeds found in scats indicated that females defecate a significantly greater number of seeds (mean±EP = 21.7±3.8) than males (14.4±3.0) (F = 26.32; P < 0.0001). The factor season was also significant (F=452.22; P<0.0001) as well as the interaction between sex and season (F=30.10; P < 0.0001). Both females and males increased their fruit consumption in the dry season, but in the rainy season females had more seeds than males in their faeces. Later during this season, we observed a higher number of Miconia seeds defecated by reproductive females (24.7±6.6) compared to non-reproductive females (12.9±2.8) (P = 0.031). Our results indicate that G. agilis feeds selectively on Melastomataceae, which suggests these plants play an important role in the diet of this marsupial in relation to energy and water demands, especially during the dry-cool season.
Key Words:
arboreal mammals,
arid environments,
feeding ecology,
Neotropical region,
small mammals
quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2012
Road Ecology Brazil 2013
O Centro Brasileiro de Estudos em Ecologia de Estradas tem acaba de disponibilizar a primeira circular de lançamento do Road Ecology Brazil 2013. Todas as informações podem ser lidas no site:
http://issuu.com/reb_2013/ docs/reb_2013_circular_0
Todos os endereços para contato estão disponíveis neste link.
Todos os endereços para contato estão disponíveis neste link.
sábado, 15 de setembro de 2012
Disponibilidade de frutos e a dieta de Lycalopex vetulus (Carnivora - Canidae) em um cerrado de Mato Grosso, Brasil
DALPONTE, J.C.; LIMA, E.S. 1999. Disponibilidade de frutos e a dieta de Lycalopex vetulus (Carnivora - Canidae) em um cerrado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 22(2):325-332.
Abstract. (Fruit availability and the diet of Lycalopex vetulus (Carnivora - Canidae) in a cerrado vegetation of Mato Grosso, Brazil). The fruiting phenology of 41 species known as potential food for mammals was monitored monthly during the period of 1985 and 1986, and compared with the frugivorous diet of the hoary fox (Lycalopex vetulus) in a cerrado area near Chapada dos Guimarães National Park, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The fruiting pattern was seasonal, with peaks of greater availability in the beginning of dry and wet seasons. Hancornia speciosa, Rauwolfia sp. and Solanum lycocarpum showed a long (nine to 12 months) fruiting pattern, while Guettarda viburnioides and Mouriri elliptica a short pattern (five to eight months). Seventy percent of the fruit species were eaten by the hoary fox. Despite the large number of fruit species consumed, a small percentage (26%) of these species reaches 10% of the occurrence frequency in the fox scats. The consumption of fruits by the hoary fox was opportunistic, generally consistent with the seasonal fruiting pattern in the study area. H. speciosa and S. lycocarpum were considered the most important fruit species in the diet of the hoary fox, since they give sources of alternative food year round, including periods of low availability of other fruits, like the peak os dry season. Changes in the intensity of fruit used by the hoary fox, like the replacement of some species by others, seem to show states of satiation and interest for new atractive fruits. Apparently, accessibility, strong smell and energetic content are features of the fruits that determine primary preferences for some species. The role of the hoary fox as an important agent to diesperse fruits in the cerrado may be suggested by the large number of fruit species eaten, and by the presence of undamaged seeds in the scats.
Abstract. (Fruit availability and the diet of Lycalopex vetulus (Carnivora - Canidae) in a cerrado vegetation of Mato Grosso, Brazil). The fruiting phenology of 41 species known as potential food for mammals was monitored monthly during the period of 1985 and 1986, and compared with the frugivorous diet of the hoary fox (Lycalopex vetulus) in a cerrado area near Chapada dos Guimarães National Park, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The fruiting pattern was seasonal, with peaks of greater availability in the beginning of dry and wet seasons. Hancornia speciosa, Rauwolfia sp. and Solanum lycocarpum showed a long (nine to 12 months) fruiting pattern, while Guettarda viburnioides and Mouriri elliptica a short pattern (five to eight months). Seventy percent of the fruit species were eaten by the hoary fox. Despite the large number of fruit species consumed, a small percentage (26%) of these species reaches 10% of the occurrence frequency in the fox scats. The consumption of fruits by the hoary fox was opportunistic, generally consistent with the seasonal fruiting pattern in the study area. H. speciosa and S. lycocarpum were considered the most important fruit species in the diet of the hoary fox, since they give sources of alternative food year round, including periods of low availability of other fruits, like the peak os dry season. Changes in the intensity of fruit used by the hoary fox, like the replacement of some species by others, seem to show states of satiation and interest for new atractive fruits. Apparently, accessibility, strong smell and energetic content are features of the fruits that determine primary preferences for some species. The role of the hoary fox as an important agent to diesperse fruits in the cerrado may be suggested by the large number of fruit species eaten, and by the presence of undamaged seeds in the scats.
terça-feira, 11 de setembro de 2012
Daily activity patterns of the Atlantic bamboo rat (Kannabateomys amblyonyx) in southern Brazil.
SARTI, P.T; SILVA, R.B.; VIEIRA, E.M. 2012. Daily activity patterns of the Atlantic bamboo rat (Kannabateomys amblyonyx) in southern Brazil. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 7(2):108-113.
Abstract. Several biotic and abiotic factors influence on daily cycles and mammalian life-history patterns. In this paper, we investigated behavioral patterns and diurnal and nocturnal activity of the Atlantic bamboo rat Kannabateomys amblyonyx (Rodentia, Echimyidae) an endemic species of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We conducted the study in the southern portion of the species distribution, in patches of an introduced bamboo species (Bambusa tuldoides) that occurred inside native forest areas. We evaluated behavior and activity time of the individuals by conducting scans during nocturnal and diurnal periods (mean scan length – 24 min, range from 2 to 30 min). We considered the following behavioral categories: feeding, moving, self-cleaning and resting. We did not find significant difference between the diurnal and nocturnal activity (randomized MANOVA, SS = 0.07, d.f. = 45, P = 0.59). The Atlantic Bamboo Rat seemed to be active during the entire 24-h daily period, but with activity peaks by the beginning of the night (between 19:00 and 21:00). The low energy quality provided by food (buds, twigs and bamboo leaves) should compel the rodent to eat several times a day in order to supply their metabolic needs. Besides that, predator activity both during day and night, as well as other local environmental characteristics, probably represents relevant factors that influence the 24-h activity patterns of the studied rodent.
Abstract. Several biotic and abiotic factors influence on daily cycles and mammalian life-history patterns. In this paper, we investigated behavioral patterns and diurnal and nocturnal activity of the Atlantic bamboo rat Kannabateomys amblyonyx (Rodentia, Echimyidae) an endemic species of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We conducted the study in the southern portion of the species distribution, in patches of an introduced bamboo species (Bambusa tuldoides) that occurred inside native forest areas. We evaluated behavior and activity time of the individuals by conducting scans during nocturnal and diurnal periods (mean scan length – 24 min, range from 2 to 30 min). We considered the following behavioral categories: feeding, moving, self-cleaning and resting. We did not find significant difference between the diurnal and nocturnal activity (randomized MANOVA, SS = 0.07, d.f. = 45, P = 0.59). The Atlantic Bamboo Rat seemed to be active during the entire 24-h daily period, but with activity peaks by the beginning of the night (between 19:00 and 21:00). The low energy quality provided by food (buds, twigs and bamboo leaves) should compel the rodent to eat several times a day in order to supply their metabolic needs. Besides that, predator activity both during day and night, as well as other local environmental characteristics, probably represents relevant factors that influence the 24-h activity patterns of the studied rodent.
sábado, 8 de setembro de 2012
Building large trees by combining phylogenetic information: a complete phylogeny of the extant Carnivora (Mammalia)
BININDA-EMONDS, O.R.P.; GITTLEMAN, J.L.; PURVIS, A. 1999. Building large trees by combining phylogenetic information: a complete phylogeny of the extant Carnivora (Mammalia). Biol. Rev. 74:143-175.
Abstract. One way to build large, more comprehensive phylogenies is to combine the vast amount of phylogenetic information already available. We review the two main strategies for accomplishing this (combining raw data versus combining trees), but employ a relatively new variant of the latter: supertree construction. The utility of one supertree technique, matrix representation using parsimony analysis (MRP), is demonstrated by deriving a complete phylogeny for all 271 extant species of the Carnivora from 177 literature sources. Beyond providing a 'consensus' estimate of carnivore phylogeny, the tree also indicates taxa for which the relationships remain controversial (e.g. herpestids, viverrids, and intrageneric relationships in the procyonids). Times of divergence throughout the tree were also estimated from 74 literature sources based on both fossil and molecular data. We use the phylogeny to show that some lineages within the Mustelinae and Canidae contain significantly more species than expected for their age, illustrating the tree's utility for studies of macroevolution. It will also provide a useful foundation for comparative and conservational studies involving the carnivores.
Abstract. One way to build large, more comprehensive phylogenies is to combine the vast amount of phylogenetic information already available. We review the two main strategies for accomplishing this (combining raw data versus combining trees), but employ a relatively new variant of the latter: supertree construction. The utility of one supertree technique, matrix representation using parsimony analysis (MRP), is demonstrated by deriving a complete phylogeny for all 271 extant species of the Carnivora from 177 literature sources. Beyond providing a 'consensus' estimate of carnivore phylogeny, the tree also indicates taxa for which the relationships remain controversial (e.g. herpestids, viverrids, and intrageneric relationships in the procyonids). Times of divergence throughout the tree were also estimated from 74 literature sources based on both fossil and molecular data. We use the phylogeny to show that some lineages within the Mustelinae and Canidae contain significantly more species than expected for their age, illustrating the tree's utility for studies of macroevolution. It will also provide a useful foundation for comparative and conservational studies involving the carnivores.
terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2012
II Curso Teórico-Prático: Biologia e Ações de Conservação de Baleias-Franca
As incrições para o curso teórico-prático Biologia e Ações de Conservação de Baleias-Franca estão abertas. O evento iniciará na sexta-feira, dia 14 de setembro, as 13:30hs e terminará no domingo, dia 16 de setembro ao meio dia, na praia de Garopaba, Santa Catarina.
A saída para observação de baleias ocorrerá no sábado, pelo período da manhã, podendo ser transferida para domingo, dependendo das condições de vento e mar.
As formas de pagamento podem ser feitas através de depósito da quantia total do curso (R$320,00) ou em duas vezes, uma de 50% (R$160,00) por depósito e o restante na data de início do curso.
Conta para o depósito:*
*Banco do Brasil*
Agência: 5311-2
Conta Poupança: 5.008-3 variação 51
Conta em nome de Mônica Pontalti
É necessário mandar o comprovante do depósito pelo email institutobaleiafranca@gmail.com (solicite também a ficha de inscrição).
A saída para observação de baleias ocorrerá no sábado, pelo período da manhã, podendo ser transferida para domingo, dependendo das condições de vento e mar.
As formas de pagamento podem ser feitas através de depósito da quantia total do curso (R$320,00) ou em duas vezes, uma de 50% (R$160,00) por depósito e o restante na data de início do curso.
Conta para o depósito:*
*Banco do Brasil*
Agência: 5311-2
Conta Poupança: 5.008-3 variação 51
Conta em nome de Mônica Pontalti
É necessário mandar o comprovante do depósito pelo email institutobaleiafranca@gmail.com (solicite também a ficha de inscrição).
sábado, 1 de setembro de 2012
Small mammal community structure and composition in the Cerrado Province of central Brazil
MARES, M.A.; ERNEST, K.A.; GETTINGER, D.D. 1986. Small mammal community structure and composition in the Cerrado Province of central Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology 2:289-300.
Abstract. Community structure, microhabitat selection, and patterns of species co-occurrence were examined during a 14-month study of small mammals in the Cerrado Province of central Brazil. Data were collected from mark-recapture grids in brejo and gallery forest, and from live-trapping and specimen collection in all habitat types withing cerrado (campo limpo, campo sujo, cerrado [s.s.], cerradão, brejo, valley-side wet campo, and gallery forest). Gallery forest supported the highest species richness, most complex vertical distribution of species, highest level of trophic diversity, and highest macroniche diversity. Degree of habitat selection varied widely. All habitat types supported both rodents and marsupials, althought marsupials tended to be much less common in the grasslands (campos) than in woodlands (cerrado) and forest (cerradão, gallery forest). Some species, such as Didelphis albiventris, occurred in all habitat types, while others were much more restricted. Oryzomys bicolor, for example, ocurred only in gallery forest. No habitat type has a completely distinct fauna: overlap in species composition always occurred with at least one other habitat type. Because of the great variability of habitats, and the fact that subsets of the mammal fauna were frequently habitat specific, the overall species richness of any portion of mixed cerrado vegetation is remarkably high.
Abstract. Community structure, microhabitat selection, and patterns of species co-occurrence were examined during a 14-month study of small mammals in the Cerrado Province of central Brazil. Data were collected from mark-recapture grids in brejo and gallery forest, and from live-trapping and specimen collection in all habitat types withing cerrado (campo limpo, campo sujo, cerrado [s.s.], cerradão, brejo, valley-side wet campo, and gallery forest). Gallery forest supported the highest species richness, most complex vertical distribution of species, highest level of trophic diversity, and highest macroniche diversity. Degree of habitat selection varied widely. All habitat types supported both rodents and marsupials, althought marsupials tended to be much less common in the grasslands (campos) than in woodlands (cerrado) and forest (cerradão, gallery forest). Some species, such as Didelphis albiventris, occurred in all habitat types, while others were much more restricted. Oryzomys bicolor, for example, ocurred only in gallery forest. No habitat type has a completely distinct fauna: overlap in species composition always occurred with at least one other habitat type. Because of the great variability of habitats, and the fact that subsets of the mammal fauna were frequently habitat specific, the overall species richness of any portion of mixed cerrado vegetation is remarkably high.
sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012
Frequency of movements of small mammals among Atlantic Coastal Forest fragments in Brazil
PIRES, A.S.; LIRA, P.K.; FERNANDEZ, F.A.S.; SCHITTINI, G.M.; OLIVEIRA, L.C. 2002. Frequency of movements of small mammals among Atlantic Coastal Forest fragments in Brazil. Biological Conservation 108:229-237.
Abstract. Rates of interfragment movements were estimated for small mammals inhabiting a group of eight Atlantic Coastal Forest fragments, surrounded by grassland matrix, in order to understand the degree to which each species' population was isolated. Didelphis aurita showed the greatest movement rate (19.4% of recaptures showing interfragment movements), followed by Metachirus nudicaudatus (10.0%), Philander frenata (7.5%), Nectomys squamipes (3.6%), Micoureus demerarae (1.2%) and Akodon cursor (0.25%). Interfragment movements were not detected for Caluromys philander, Oecomys concolor and Oligoryzomys nigripes. Species can be placed along a continuum which goes from species that are represented by a single population in the whole study area, through those with metapopulations, to species that have isolated populations in each fragment. Ability to move among fragments was not related to abundance in the matrix; nevertheless, such ability helps to explain the persistence of species in fragments otherwise too small to support viable populations.
Abstract. Rates of interfragment movements were estimated for small mammals inhabiting a group of eight Atlantic Coastal Forest fragments, surrounded by grassland matrix, in order to understand the degree to which each species' population was isolated. Didelphis aurita showed the greatest movement rate (19.4% of recaptures showing interfragment movements), followed by Metachirus nudicaudatus (10.0%), Philander frenata (7.5%), Nectomys squamipes (3.6%), Micoureus demerarae (1.2%) and Akodon cursor (0.25%). Interfragment movements were not detected for Caluromys philander, Oecomys concolor and Oligoryzomys nigripes. Species can be placed along a continuum which goes from species that are represented by a single population in the whole study area, through those with metapopulations, to species that have isolated populations in each fragment. Ability to move among fragments was not related to abundance in the matrix; nevertheless, such ability helps to explain the persistence of species in fragments otherwise too small to support viable populations.
sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012
Ecology of a small mammal community in an Atlantic forest area in southeastern Brazil
BERGALLO, H.G. 1994. Ecology of a small mammal community in an Atlantic forest area in southeastern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 29(4):197-217.
Abstract. During a 14 month mark-and-release project in a Atlantic forest area (Jurélia Ecological Station), I studied the population ecology of 8 species of small mammals (3 marsupials and 5 rodents). In a 4,307 trap nights, 182 individuals were captured 650 times. The rodents were caught 73% of the total capture and the marsupials 27%. Oryzomys nitidus was the commonest species in the grid followed by Proechimys iheringi and Metachirus nudicaudatus. The marsupials showed a seasonal pattern of reproduction. As a consequence, the population densities has a peak during the wet months with the antrance of the youngs . The rodents, P. iheringi and O. nitidus bred throughtout the year, althought the former one has a peak in the dry months. Density of O. nitidus was fairly constant, whereas that of P. ihenrigi was higher during the recruitment time. Rodents and marsupials contributed with the same biomass in Juréia small mammal community.
Abstract. During a 14 month mark-and-release project in a Atlantic forest area (Jurélia Ecological Station), I studied the population ecology of 8 species of small mammals (3 marsupials and 5 rodents). In a 4,307 trap nights, 182 individuals were captured 650 times. The rodents were caught 73% of the total capture and the marsupials 27%. Oryzomys nitidus was the commonest species in the grid followed by Proechimys iheringi and Metachirus nudicaudatus. The marsupials showed a seasonal pattern of reproduction. As a consequence, the population densities has a peak during the wet months with the antrance of the youngs . The rodents, P. iheringi and O. nitidus bred throughtout the year, althought the former one has a peak in the dry months. Density of O. nitidus was fairly constant, whereas that of P. ihenrigi was higher during the recruitment time. Rodents and marsupials contributed with the same biomass in Juréia small mammal community.
sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012
Elevational gradients in diversity of small mammals
MCCAIN, C.M. 2005. Elevational gradients in diversity of small mammals. Ecology 86(2):366-372.
Abstract. A global analysis of elevational diversity trends for nonvolant small mammals revealed a clear pattern of mid-elevational peaks in species richness. Fifty-six data sets were used to test the predictions of a null model (the mid-domain effect) and climatic hypotheses. Very few data sets fit entirely within the predictions of the null model, and the average predictive power of the null model was low. Regional (gamma) diversity fit the null model better than did local (alpha) diversity. Diversity peaked at higher elevations on taller mountains, consistent with climatic factors producing elevationally correlated habitat bands (Massenerhebung effect). This positive, linear relationship was documented for all data sets but was particularly pronounced for alpha diversity. Gamma diversity, which is generally highly influenced by area, exhibited a trend of highest diversity shifting toward lower elevations, and higher elevational peaks in species diversity at higher latitudes. The elevation of temperate diversity peaks exhibited a negative association with latitude. These results are evidence for the importance of a suite of interacting climatic, area, and geometric factors on elevational diversity patterns, apparent in spite of noise associated with different sampling techniques, localities, and historical pressures.
Abstract. A global analysis of elevational diversity trends for nonvolant small mammals revealed a clear pattern of mid-elevational peaks in species richness. Fifty-six data sets were used to test the predictions of a null model (the mid-domain effect) and climatic hypotheses. Very few data sets fit entirely within the predictions of the null model, and the average predictive power of the null model was low. Regional (gamma) diversity fit the null model better than did local (alpha) diversity. Diversity peaked at higher elevations on taller mountains, consistent with climatic factors producing elevationally correlated habitat bands (Massenerhebung effect). This positive, linear relationship was documented for all data sets but was particularly pronounced for alpha diversity. Gamma diversity, which is generally highly influenced by area, exhibited a trend of highest diversity shifting toward lower elevations, and higher elevational peaks in species diversity at higher latitudes. The elevation of temperate diversity peaks exhibited a negative association with latitude. These results are evidence for the importance of a suite of interacting climatic, area, and geometric factors on elevational diversity patterns, apparent in spite of noise associated with different sampling techniques, localities, and historical pressures.
quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2012
Curso: Biologia, ecologia e conservação do boto-da-tainha (Tursiops truncatus)
Estão abertas as inscrições para o I Curso Teórico-Prático de Biologia, Ecologia e Conservação do Boto-da-Tainha (Tursiops truncatus), a se realizar nos dias 25 e 26 de agosto de 2012 na praia de Garopaba, Santa Catarina. Inscrições pelo e-mail institutobaleiafranca@gmail.com ou pelos telefones (48) 9963.1122 e (48) 9682.5718.
sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012
Microtus population biology: demographic changes in fluctuating populations of M. ochrogaster and M. pennsylvanicus in southern Indiana
KREBS, C.J.; KELLER, B.L.; TAMATIN, R.H. 1969. Microtus population biology: demographic changes in fluctuating populations of M. ochrogaster and M. pennsylvanicus in southern Indiana. Ecology 50(4):587-607.
Abstract. Microtus pennsylvanicus and M. ochrogaster are sympatric in southern Indiana grasslands. From June 1965 to August 1967 four populations were live trapped, three of them in 0.8-hectare (2-acre) outdoor pens. Both species increased during 1965 and reached peak densities in summer 1966. Microtus ochrogaster declined abruptly that fall and remained low; M. pennsylanicus declined the following spring.
One of the fenced populations increased to a density about three times that of its unfenced control. By early fall 1966 it had nearly destroyed its food resources and then suffered a severe decline associated with obvious overgrazing and starvation. No such overgrazing has been seen on any unfenced grasslands in this area. Dispersal is probably necessary for normal population regulation in these voles, since fenced populations seem unable to regulate their density below the limit set by starvation.
Both species bred extensively in the winter of 1965-66 during the phase of population increase. There was little or no breeding during the winter after the peak.
Survival of females in the trappable population of both species was high and relatively constant until the end of the cycle. In males, periods of low survival punctuated the increase and peak phases, and these periods of low male survival did not occur at the same time in the two Microtus species. Some mortality processes are thus higly specific for sex and species. In the fenced populations survival rates were very high and no sporadic male losses occurred.
Increasing and peak populations of M. pennsylvanicus and M. ochrogaster are characterized by adults of large body size. During the increase and peak phases some voles stopped growing at low weights (30-40 g) while others reached high aymptotic weights (45-55 g).
The demography of these Microtus species in southern Indiana is similar to that of other cyclic voles and lemmings in temperate and arctic areas.
Abstract. Microtus pennsylvanicus and M. ochrogaster are sympatric in southern Indiana grasslands. From June 1965 to August 1967 four populations were live trapped, three of them in 0.8-hectare (2-acre) outdoor pens. Both species increased during 1965 and reached peak densities in summer 1966. Microtus ochrogaster declined abruptly that fall and remained low; M. pennsylanicus declined the following spring.
One of the fenced populations increased to a density about three times that of its unfenced control. By early fall 1966 it had nearly destroyed its food resources and then suffered a severe decline associated with obvious overgrazing and starvation. No such overgrazing has been seen on any unfenced grasslands in this area. Dispersal is probably necessary for normal population regulation in these voles, since fenced populations seem unable to regulate their density below the limit set by starvation.
Both species bred extensively in the winter of 1965-66 during the phase of population increase. There was little or no breeding during the winter after the peak.
Survival of females in the trappable population of both species was high and relatively constant until the end of the cycle. In males, periods of low survival punctuated the increase and peak phases, and these periods of low male survival did not occur at the same time in the two Microtus species. Some mortality processes are thus higly specific for sex and species. In the fenced populations survival rates were very high and no sporadic male losses occurred.
Increasing and peak populations of M. pennsylvanicus and M. ochrogaster are characterized by adults of large body size. During the increase and peak phases some voles stopped growing at low weights (30-40 g) while others reached high aymptotic weights (45-55 g).
The demography of these Microtus species in southern Indiana is similar to that of other cyclic voles and lemmings in temperate and arctic areas.
quarta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2012
Mamíferos: da Terra aos Mares
A equipe do Laboratório de Ecologia de Mamíferos da Unisinos têm o prazer de convidar todos a participar da oficina Mamíferos: da Terra aos Mares.
A oficina visa apresentar o grupo dos mamíferos com aspectos de sua evolução, diversidade, ecologia, manejo, conservação e relações com o homem. A oficina ocorrerá nos dias 24 e 25 de agosto, e 1º de setembro de 2012, na Unisinos (Univerdade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos), em São Leopoldo, RS. As inscrições podem ser realizadas diretamente pela internet através do link: http://www.unisinos.br/extensao/eventos/EX120309/EX120309-00001/620/apresentacao.
DATAS: 24 e 25 de agosto, e 1º de setembro de 2012.
INFORMAÇÕES: www.unisinos.br/eventos (eventos saúde).
A oficina será dividida em quatro módulos, sendo o primeiro módulo uma apresentação geral sobre características, diversidade e evolução dos mamíferos. Os quatro módulos seguintes apresentarão aspectos gerais e ecológicos sobre os mamíferos terrestres, e os quatro módulos seguintes apresentarão técnicas de estudo e monitoramento de populações de mamíferos marinhos, bem como suas interações com o homem.
O conteúdo detalhado previsto (sujeito a modificações) segue abaixo:
- Introdução geral: mamíferos, da terra aos mares (Msc Paulo T. Sarti, Fernando R.V. Lopes).
A oficina visa apresentar o grupo dos mamíferos com aspectos de sua evolução, diversidade, ecologia, manejo, conservação e relações com o homem. A oficina ocorrerá nos dias 24 e 25 de agosto, e 1º de setembro de 2012, na Unisinos (Univerdade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos), em São Leopoldo, RS. As inscrições podem ser realizadas diretamente pela internet através do link: http://www.unisinos.br/extensao/eventos/EX120309/EX120309-00001/620/apresentacao.
DATAS: 24 e 25 de agosto, e 1º de setembro de 2012.
INFORMAÇÕES: www.unisinos.br/eventos (eventos saúde).
A oficina será dividida em quatro módulos, sendo o primeiro módulo uma apresentação geral sobre características, diversidade e evolução dos mamíferos. Os quatro módulos seguintes apresentarão aspectos gerais e ecológicos sobre os mamíferos terrestres, e os quatro módulos seguintes apresentarão técnicas de estudo e monitoramento de populações de mamíferos marinhos, bem como suas interações com o homem.
O conteúdo detalhado previsto (sujeito a modificações) segue abaixo:
- Introdução geral: mamíferos, da terra aos mares (Msc Paulo T. Sarti, Fernando R.V. Lopes).
- Biologia e ecologia de pequenos mamíferos (Msc Maury S.L. Abreu).
- Padrões de microestrutura de pelos: identificando mamíferos (Nathalia S. Freitas).
- Mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte (Msc Paulo T. Sarti).
- O uso do habitat por mamíferos terrestres (Guilherme W. Schmitz).
- Técnicas de estudo em mamíferos-marinhos: coleta, curadoria de coleção e estudos osteológicos (Biol. Ana Paula Costa).
- Técnicas de estudo em mamíferos-marinhos: monitoramento de populações (Biol. Rodrigo Machado, Biol. Ana Paula Costa, Fernando R.V. Lopes).
- Interações entre mamíferos aquáticos e a atividade pesqueira: da pesca cooperativa ao conflito (Biol. Rodrigo Machado).
- Dimensões humanas (Mônica Terra, Biol. Ana Carolina Pont).
Key Words:
aquatic mammals,
genetic and molecular biology,
habitat ecology,
Neotropical region,
population ecology,
survey methods,
sábado, 28 de julho de 2012
Ecological scale and habitat use
MORRIS, D.M. 1987. Ecological scale and habitat use. Ecology 68(2):362-369
Abstract. Population density can respond to habitat at different scales. If habitat selection occurs as a consequence of resource exploitation, the density of fine-grained consumers should reflect microhabitat variation. But if habitat use is controlled by a variety of selective pressured, it is no longer apparent whether density should respond to micro- or macrohabitat. These two alternatives can be tested simultaneously by multiple regression models where macrohabitat are represented by dummy variables. When the local densities of two Temperate Zone rodents were analyzed in this way, macrohabitat and temporal effects were consistent significant predictors of rodent density; microhabitat was not. This analysis suggests species whose patterns of resource and habitat use probably depart from classical interpretations of species coexistence. It is probably premature to assess the role of habitat selection in the structure of ecological systems until the results of further tests of habitat scaling are reported.
Abstract. Population density can respond to habitat at different scales. If habitat selection occurs as a consequence of resource exploitation, the density of fine-grained consumers should reflect microhabitat variation. But if habitat use is controlled by a variety of selective pressured, it is no longer apparent whether density should respond to micro- or macrohabitat. These two alternatives can be tested simultaneously by multiple regression models where macrohabitat are represented by dummy variables. When the local densities of two Temperate Zone rodents were analyzed in this way, macrohabitat and temporal effects were consistent significant predictors of rodent density; microhabitat was not. This analysis suggests species whose patterns of resource and habitat use probably depart from classical interpretations of species coexistence. It is probably premature to assess the role of habitat selection in the structure of ecological systems until the results of further tests of habitat scaling are reported.
sábado, 21 de julho de 2012
Pseudoreplication and the design of ecological field experiments
HULBERT, S.H. 1984. Pseudoreplication and the design of ecological field experiments. Ecological Monographs 54(2):187-211.
Abstract. Pseudoreplication is defined as the use of inferential statistics to test for treatment effects with data from experiments where either treatments are not replicated (though samples may be) or replicates are not statistically independent. In ANOVA terminology, it is the testing for treatment effects with and error term inappropriate to the hypothesis being considered. Scrutiny of 176 experimental studies published between 1960 and the present revealed that pseudoreplication occurred in 27% of them, or 48% of all such studies that applied inferential staticts. The incidence of pseudoreplication is especially high in studies of marine benthos and small mammals. The critical features of controlled experimentation are reviewed. Nondemonic intrusion is defined as the impingement of chance events on and experiment in progress. As a safeguard against both it and preexisting gradients, interspersion of treatments is argued to be an obligatory feature of good design. Especially in small experiments, adequate interspersion can sometimes be assumed only by dispensing with strict randomization procedures. Comprehension of this conflict between interspersion and randomization is aided by distinguishing pre-layout (or conventional) and layout-specific alpha (probability of tyme I error). Suggestions are offered to statisticians and editors of ecological journals as to how ecologists' understanding of experimental design and statistics might be improved.
Abstract. Pseudoreplication is defined as the use of inferential statistics to test for treatment effects with data from experiments where either treatments are not replicated (though samples may be) or replicates are not statistically independent. In ANOVA terminology, it is the testing for treatment effects with and error term inappropriate to the hypothesis being considered. Scrutiny of 176 experimental studies published between 1960 and the present revealed that pseudoreplication occurred in 27% of them, or 48% of all such studies that applied inferential staticts. The incidence of pseudoreplication is especially high in studies of marine benthos and small mammals. The critical features of controlled experimentation are reviewed. Nondemonic intrusion is defined as the impingement of chance events on and experiment in progress. As a safeguard against both it and preexisting gradients, interspersion of treatments is argued to be an obligatory feature of good design. Especially in small experiments, adequate interspersion can sometimes be assumed only by dispensing with strict randomization procedures. Comprehension of this conflict between interspersion and randomization is aided by distinguishing pre-layout (or conventional) and layout-specific alpha (probability of tyme I error). Suggestions are offered to statisticians and editors of ecological journals as to how ecologists' understanding of experimental design and statistics might be improved.
sábado, 14 de julho de 2012
Habitat fragmentation and movements of three small mammals (Sigmodon, Microtus, and Peromyscus)
DIFFENDORFER, J.E.; GAINES, M.S.; HOLT, R.D. 1995. Habitat fragmentation and movements of three small mammals (Sigmodon, Microtus, and Peromyscus). Ecology 76(3):827-839.
Abstract. We studied the effects of habitat fragmentation on the movements of cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus), deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), and prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) living in a fragmented landscape using 7.7 yr (1984-1992) of mark-recapture data. The study area included three kinds of 0.5-ha blocks: single large patches (5000 m²), clusters of medium patches (288 m²), and clusters of small patches (32 m²). We tested three predictions regarding animal movements. First, animal should move longer distances as fragmentation increases. Second, the proportion of animals moving will decrease as fragmentation increases. Third, species will show more movement from putative sources to putative sinks. In support of our first two predictions, all species (except male cotton rats) moved farther, and lower proportions of animals moved, as fragmentation increased. In testing our third prediction, we found no trends, for all species, between patch size and the net number of animals a block either imported or exported, indicating source-sink dynamics were probably not occurring on our study site. Furthermore, animals of all species (except female deer mice) switched more frequently to blocks of larger patches. For prairie voles in the spring and deer mice in the summer, relative abundance among blocks predicted from a Markov matrix model of switching probabilities showed high congruence with the actual abundances, indicating movement and abundance were related. In both cotton rats and prairie voles but not in deer mice, more juveniles and nonreproductive animals switched between blocks than did adults or reproductive animals. Deer mice switched more frequently than did either cotton rats or prairie voles; the latter species switched in similar frequencies. We discuss the implications of our data for modeling and conservation.
Abstract. We studied the effects of habitat fragmentation on the movements of cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus), deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), and prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) living in a fragmented landscape using 7.7 yr (1984-1992) of mark-recapture data. The study area included three kinds of 0.5-ha blocks: single large patches (5000 m²), clusters of medium patches (288 m²), and clusters of small patches (32 m²). We tested three predictions regarding animal movements. First, animal should move longer distances as fragmentation increases. Second, the proportion of animals moving will decrease as fragmentation increases. Third, species will show more movement from putative sources to putative sinks. In support of our first two predictions, all species (except male cotton rats) moved farther, and lower proportions of animals moved, as fragmentation increased. In testing our third prediction, we found no trends, for all species, between patch size and the net number of animals a block either imported or exported, indicating source-sink dynamics were probably not occurring on our study site. Furthermore, animals of all species (except female deer mice) switched more frequently to blocks of larger patches. For prairie voles in the spring and deer mice in the summer, relative abundance among blocks predicted from a Markov matrix model of switching probabilities showed high congruence with the actual abundances, indicating movement and abundance were related. In both cotton rats and prairie voles but not in deer mice, more juveniles and nonreproductive animals switched between blocks than did adults or reproductive animals. Deer mice switched more frequently than did either cotton rats or prairie voles; the latter species switched in similar frequencies. We discuss the implications of our data for modeling and conservation.
sábado, 2 de junho de 2012
Variation in size of colony of Molossus molossus and Molossus rufus in Rio de Janeiro state, Southeastern Brazil
ESBÉRARD, C.E.D. 2011. Variation in size of colony of Molossus molossus and Molossus rufus in Rio de Janeiro state, Southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 6(2):71-77.
Abstract. In the Neotropical region, knowledge of seasonal variation of bat colonies is low and appears to be fundamental to the choice of methods for estimating the total number of animals and husbandry. It was analyzed the monthly variations in the size of four colonies, two of Molossus molossus and two of Molossus rufus in Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. A total of 60 nights of data collection was conducted in these four colonies, totaling 634 hours of work. The number of animals that comprised each colony was high, 293 and 474 in M. molossus and 165 and 363 in M. rufus. There are two types of colonies: reproductive, when it is observed increase in the number of animals during the months of reproductive activity, and not reproductive, when the colony size is larger in the months of inactive reproduction of the specie in this latitude and few bats remain in the refuge from October to February.
Abstract. In the Neotropical region, knowledge of seasonal variation of bat colonies is low and appears to be fundamental to the choice of methods for estimating the total number of animals and husbandry. It was analyzed the monthly variations in the size of four colonies, two of Molossus molossus and two of Molossus rufus in Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. A total of 60 nights of data collection was conducted in these four colonies, totaling 634 hours of work. The number of animals that comprised each colony was high, 293 and 474 in M. molossus and 165 and 363 in M. rufus. There are two types of colonies: reproductive, when it is observed increase in the number of animals during the months of reproductive activity, and not reproductive, when the colony size is larger in the months of inactive reproduction of the specie in this latitude and few bats remain in the refuge from October to February.
quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012
XXV Jornadas Argentinas de Mastozoología
A Sociedade Argentina para o Estudo de Mamíferos (SAREM) e a Rede Latinoamericana de Mastozoologia (RELAM) convidam todos a participar das XXV Jornadas Argentinas de Mastozoología, e o II Congreso Latinoamericano de Mastozoología. Os eventos ocorrerão simultaneamente em Buenos Aires, Argentina, entre os dias 6 e 9 de novembro de 2012. Maiores informações no site do evento: http://sarem2012.com.ar/.
segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
III Congreso de la Sociedad Peruana de Mastozoología
A Sociedade Peruana de Mastozoologia, o Instituto de Paleontologia da Universidade Nacional de Piura, e a Comissão Organizadora convidem todos os interessados a participar do III Congreso de la Sociedad Peruana de Mastozoología. O evento ocorrerá em Piura, no Perú, entre os dias 07 e 11 de outubro de 2012. As inscrições estão abertas pelo e-mail iiicongresospm@yahoo.com. Para maiores informações (incluindo custos) faça download da Primeira Circular.
sábado, 26 de maio de 2012
Morcegos (Chiroptera) capturados em lagoas do Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
LUZ, J.L.; MANGOLIN, R.; ESBÉRARD, C.E.L.; BERGALLO, H.G. 2011. Morcegos (Chiroptera) capturados em lagoas do Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Biota Neotropica 11(4):000-000.
Abstract. The aim of this study was to perform a list of bat species captured in six lagoons in the Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The park is located about 180 km eastward of Rio de Janeiro city and covers the municipalities of Macaé, Carapebus and Quissamã. The region is dominated by sand dunes and sand ridges formed in the Quaternary. We captured 149 bats belonging to three families and 14 species. Most species caught in restinga de Jurubatiba were frugivores, partly due to technique employed, mist-net, that favors the capture of individuals of the Phyllostomidae family. Five species are uncommonly captured in bats inventories (Uroderma magnirostrum, Lasiurus cinereus, Lophostoma brasiliense, Chiroderma villosum and Diaemus youngi). Species caught varied among lagoons, showing the importance of these habitats for maintaining the diversity of bats.
Abstract. The aim of this study was to perform a list of bat species captured in six lagoons in the Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The park is located about 180 km eastward of Rio de Janeiro city and covers the municipalities of Macaé, Carapebus and Quissamã. The region is dominated by sand dunes and sand ridges formed in the Quaternary. We captured 149 bats belonging to three families and 14 species. Most species caught in restinga de Jurubatiba were frugivores, partly due to technique employed, mist-net, that favors the capture of individuals of the Phyllostomidae family. Five species are uncommonly captured in bats inventories (Uroderma magnirostrum, Lasiurus cinereus, Lophostoma brasiliense, Chiroderma villosum and Diaemus youngi). Species caught varied among lagoons, showing the importance of these habitats for maintaining the diversity of bats.
sábado, 19 de maio de 2012
Cetaceans registered on the coast of Ilhéus (Bahia), northeastern Brazil
BATISTA, R.L.G.; SCHIAVETTI, A.; SANTOS, U.A.; REIS, M.S.S. 2012. Cetaceans registered on the coast of Ilhéus (Bahia), northeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica 12(1):000-000.
Abstract. Stranded cetaceans have scientific value and may confirm the occurrence of some species or indicate their geographical distribution in an area. The collection of biological material can also contribute to improve the knowledge of the species or populations inhabiting certain areas. This study aimed to record live or dead cetaceans found ashore along the coast of Ilhéus, Bahia State, northeastern Brazil. Data were collected through a campaign called "SOS strandings, whales, porpoises and dolphins." Between 1997 and 1999 three hundred posters and five hundred folders were distributed to beach huts, shops, fishing associations and settlements, the city’s municipal government, the Brazilian Environmental Agency (IBAMA) and fire stations. During this campaign, which lasted until 2007 it was possible to record 38 cetaceans of ten species on the coast of Ilhéus: Physeter macrocephalus, Megaptera novaeangliae, Globicephala macrorhynchus, Orcinus orca, Peponocephala electra, Stenella clymene, Feresa attenuata, Ziphius cavirostris, Steno bredanensis and Sotalia guianensis. The greatest numbers of records were observed between 2000 and 2003, which was the period after the distribution of banners and posters. The majority of the carcasses were recovered near the city downtown area (<10 km) and there was not a relationship between the state of the carcasses and the distance from that area.
Abstract. Stranded cetaceans have scientific value and may confirm the occurrence of some species or indicate their geographical distribution in an area. The collection of biological material can also contribute to improve the knowledge of the species or populations inhabiting certain areas. This study aimed to record live or dead cetaceans found ashore along the coast of Ilhéus, Bahia State, northeastern Brazil. Data were collected through a campaign called "SOS strandings, whales, porpoises and dolphins." Between 1997 and 1999 three hundred posters and five hundred folders were distributed to beach huts, shops, fishing associations and settlements, the city’s municipal government, the Brazilian Environmental Agency (IBAMA) and fire stations. During this campaign, which lasted until 2007 it was possible to record 38 cetaceans of ten species on the coast of Ilhéus: Physeter macrocephalus, Megaptera novaeangliae, Globicephala macrorhynchus, Orcinus orca, Peponocephala electra, Stenella clymene, Feresa attenuata, Ziphius cavirostris, Steno bredanensis and Sotalia guianensis. The greatest numbers of records were observed between 2000 and 2003, which was the period after the distribution of banners and posters. The majority of the carcasses were recovered near the city downtown area (<10 km) and there was not a relationship between the state of the carcasses and the distance from that area.
sábado, 12 de maio de 2012
Diet of Didelphis aurita and Micoureus paraguayanus and the fruit availability in a semideciduous Atlantic forest in Southern Brazil
CASELLA, J. 2011. Diet of Didelphis aurita and Micoureus paraguayanus and the fruit availability in a semideciduous Atlantic forest in Southern Brazil. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 6(2):85-93.
Abstract. This study analysed the effects of diets and resource partitioning among Didelphis aurita and Micoureus paraguayanus, and their relationships with food availability in a semideciduous Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil. Species were separated by sex, age and reproductive condition to compare with dietary data. The fruit availability in the area was quantified bimonthly through collection of fleshy fruits and flowers available on the ground of the study area. Individuals of D. aurita trapped in the canopy vs. those trapped on the ground, or even regarding age and sex classes, did not differ in regards to their diet composition. Animals studied were heterogeneous in relation to their diet composition, being significantly different from each other (p = 0.03). The largest diversity indexes observed for both species in faeces and in the environment occurred during the rainy season. Both species presented insects in their diets, but with natural tendency to consume fruits or vertebrates (D. aurita). Rhythms of fructification of Piper sp. correlated with consumption by D. aurita (rs = 0.90, p = 0.03) and not by M. paraguayanus (rs = 0.40, p = 0.60). There were tendencies where independent young and lactiferous females of D. aurita correlated to the peaks of fruit availability during the rainy season.
Abstract. This study analysed the effects of diets and resource partitioning among Didelphis aurita and Micoureus paraguayanus, and their relationships with food availability in a semideciduous Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil. Species were separated by sex, age and reproductive condition to compare with dietary data. The fruit availability in the area was quantified bimonthly through collection of fleshy fruits and flowers available on the ground of the study area. Individuals of D. aurita trapped in the canopy vs. those trapped on the ground, or even regarding age and sex classes, did not differ in regards to their diet composition. Animals studied were heterogeneous in relation to their diet composition, being significantly different from each other (p = 0.03). The largest diversity indexes observed for both species in faeces and in the environment occurred during the rainy season. Both species presented insects in their diets, but with natural tendency to consume fruits or vertebrates (D. aurita). Rhythms of fructification of Piper sp. correlated with consumption by D. aurita (rs = 0.90, p = 0.03) and not by M. paraguayanus (rs = 0.40, p = 0.60). There were tendencies where independent young and lactiferous females of D. aurita correlated to the peaks of fruit availability during the rainy season.
sábado, 28 de abril de 2012
Camera trapping for jaguar (Panthera onca) in the Tuichi Valleys, Bolivia
WALLACE, R.B.; GOMEZ, H.; AYALA, G.; ESPINOZA, F. 2003. Camera trapping for jaguar (Panthera onca) in the Tuichi Valleys, Bolivia. Mastozoología Neotropical 10(1):133-139.
Abstract. Camera trapping techniques, in combination with robust mark-recapture statistics, have been used extensively in Asia to provide tiger population density estimates and relative abundance information. Here we present the results of a first attempt to use these methodologies to determine jaguar abundance. Results suggest a relatively low jaguar population density. Nevertheless, it is hypothesized that previous human disturbance at the site may be responsible for this situation, thereby underlining the need for further studies of this nature.
Abstract. Camera trapping techniques, in combination with robust mark-recapture statistics, have been used extensively in Asia to provide tiger population density estimates and relative abundance information. Here we present the results of a first attempt to use these methodologies to determine jaguar abundance. Results suggest a relatively low jaguar population density. Nevertheless, it is hypothesized that previous human disturbance at the site may be responsible for this situation, thereby underlining the need for further studies of this nature.
sábado, 21 de abril de 2012
Population ecology and reproduction of the white-eared opossum Didelphis albiventris (Mammalia, Marsupialia) in an urban environment of Brazil
CÁCERES, N.C. 2000. Population ecology and reproduction of the white-eared opossum Didelphis albiventris (Mammalia, Marsupialia) in an urban environment of Brazil. Ciência e Cultura Journal of the Brazilian Association for the Advanced of Science 52(3):171-174.
Abstract. The seasonal variation in numbers of individuals, causes for death, breeding season and litter size of the white-eared opossum, Didelphis albiventris, were studied in two small urban forest fragments of southern Brazil. In order to trap opossums, 30 live traps were used once a weak in a forest fragment (5 ha) between February 1995 and January 1996. In addition, 10 traps were used twice a month in another area (2.5 ha) between Novemeber 1996 and February 1997. Individuals trapped were sexed, aged, and released. Females with litter had their pouch young counted. The bait used was banana with codfish liver oil. As results after an effort of 1770 traps set, 37 opossums were captured (20 females and 17 males) with the sex ratio being significantly equal (p > 0.40). Juvenile individuals were captured seasonally during the wet season (spring and summer). Since juveniles represented the most common individuals trapped, total abundances were heigher during the wet season. Immigrations (plus births) rather than emigrations were thought to be the main factor for abundance variations. Moreover, road kill by cars and fights with dogs were the main causes for death of opossums. Based on time of captures of recently weaned opossums and females with litters, the breeding season showed mainly two periods of births (between August and November), though two litters were seen in April of two years. The mean litter size was 9.0 young (N = 14 litters). The white-eared opossum revealed a great potential to colonize urban environments where there are forest fragments, with its higher numbers of juveniles compensating adult deaths mainly by anthropical factors.
Abstract. The seasonal variation in numbers of individuals, causes for death, breeding season and litter size of the white-eared opossum, Didelphis albiventris, were studied in two small urban forest fragments of southern Brazil. In order to trap opossums, 30 live traps were used once a weak in a forest fragment (5 ha) between February 1995 and January 1996. In addition, 10 traps were used twice a month in another area (2.5 ha) between Novemeber 1996 and February 1997. Individuals trapped were sexed, aged, and released. Females with litter had their pouch young counted. The bait used was banana with codfish liver oil. As results after an effort of 1770 traps set, 37 opossums were captured (20 females and 17 males) with the sex ratio being significantly equal (p > 0.40). Juvenile individuals were captured seasonally during the wet season (spring and summer). Since juveniles represented the most common individuals trapped, total abundances were heigher during the wet season. Immigrations (plus births) rather than emigrations were thought to be the main factor for abundance variations. Moreover, road kill by cars and fights with dogs were the main causes for death of opossums. Based on time of captures of recently weaned opossums and females with litters, the breeding season showed mainly two periods of births (between August and November), though two litters were seen in April of two years. The mean litter size was 9.0 young (N = 14 litters). The white-eared opossum revealed a great potential to colonize urban environments where there are forest fragments, with its higher numbers of juveniles compensating adult deaths mainly by anthropical factors.
sábado, 14 de abril de 2012
Coexistence of jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Puma concolor) in a mosaic landscape in the Venezuelan llanos
SCOGNAMILLO, D.; MAXIT, I.E.; SUNQUIST, M.; POLISAR, J. 2003. Coexistence of jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Puma concolor) in a mosaic landscape in the Venezuelan llanos. Journal of Zoology, London 259:269-279.
Abstract. Jaguar Panthera onca and puma Puma concolor are sympatric throughout the jaguar’s distribution. Although several studies have focused on the interactions between these two predators, the ecological and behavioural factors that promote their coexistence remain unclear. The goal of this study was to identify those factors that facilitate the coexistence of these cats in a mosaic landscape in the Venezuelan llanos. The study was conducted from January 1996 until November 1998. Five jaguars and six pumas were captured and radio-collared. A high degree of spatial overlap was observed between jaguars and pumas, which may be related to the abundance and distribution of prey species. At a fine scale, there was little overlap of puma locations with jaguar locations. Both species were more active at night than during daytime, but seasonal differences were detected in the activity levels of these predators. Major segregation was found in food habits. Jaguars selected for large prey and pumas for medium-sized prey. Jaguars selected for capybara Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris and collared peccary Tayassu tajacu and consumed caiman Caiman crocodilus and white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus less than expected. Pumas selected just for collared peccary and also killed caiman less than expected. It is suggested that the abundance of medium-sized prey is an ecological factor that is facilitating the coexistence of jaguar and puma in the study area. Habitat heterogeneity may be another influential factor leading to the coexistence. Seasonal differences in activity levels probably reflect differences in the size and species of prey taken by these cats.
Abstract. Jaguar Panthera onca and puma Puma concolor are sympatric throughout the jaguar’s distribution. Although several studies have focused on the interactions between these two predators, the ecological and behavioural factors that promote their coexistence remain unclear. The goal of this study was to identify those factors that facilitate the coexistence of these cats in a mosaic landscape in the Venezuelan llanos. The study was conducted from January 1996 until November 1998. Five jaguars and six pumas were captured and radio-collared. A high degree of spatial overlap was observed between jaguars and pumas, which may be related to the abundance and distribution of prey species. At a fine scale, there was little overlap of puma locations with jaguar locations. Both species were more active at night than during daytime, but seasonal differences were detected in the activity levels of these predators. Major segregation was found in food habits. Jaguars selected for large prey and pumas for medium-sized prey. Jaguars selected for capybara Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris and collared peccary Tayassu tajacu and consumed caiman Caiman crocodilus and white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus less than expected. Pumas selected just for collared peccary and also killed caiman less than expected. It is suggested that the abundance of medium-sized prey is an ecological factor that is facilitating the coexistence of jaguar and puma in the study area. Habitat heterogeneity may be another influential factor leading to the coexistence. Seasonal differences in activity levels probably reflect differences in the size and species of prey taken by these cats.
segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2012
Concurso Professor Substituto UFERSA
A Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido abriu processo seletivo para professor substituto. Para biólogos há vagas para as discuplinas Ecologia da Poluição, Ecologia Marinha, Estudos de Impacto Ambiental, Nanobiotecnologia e Biotecnologia e Patentes. Maiores informações no site http://www2.ufersa.edu.br/sistemas/concursos/publico/exibir_concurso/35. As inscrições vão até esta quinta-feira, portanto é bom se apressar.
sábado, 7 de abril de 2012
Movement distances of five rodents and two marsupial species in forest fragments of the coastal Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil
PÜTTKER, T.; MEYER-LUCHT, Y.; SOMMER, S. 2006. Movement distances of five rodents and two marsupial species in forest fragments of the coastal Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil. Ecotropica 12:131-139.
Abstract. Movement distances provide information on diverse population biological parameters and are essential in understanding the ecology of a species. Mean distances moved between successive captures (SD), distribution of movement distances, and the mean maximum distances moved (MMDM) were investigated in five rodent and two marsupial species in forest fragments of the coastal Atlantic rainforest (Mata Atlântica) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The investigated species were the rodents Akodon montensis (Thomas, 1902), Oligoryzomys nigripes (Olfers, 1818), Delomys sublineatus (Thomas, 1903), Oryzomys russatus (Wagner, 1848), and Thaptomys nigrita (Lichtenstein, 1829), and the marsupials Marmosops incanus (Lund 1840), and Gracilinanus microtarsus (Wagner, 1842). Akodon montensis differed significantly from all other species and moved the lowest SD and MMDM. The marsupials differed significantly from most of the rodents and moved the largest SDs. All species showed the highest frequency of movements in a distance class of 0–20 m. Differences between sexes in SD was detected for O. nigripes, O. russatus, and G. microtarsus, males moving significantly longer distances than females. The different study sites had no influence on SD in any of the investigated species. Only the males of G. microtarsus showed a seasonal variation in SD, moving longer distances during reproductive activity.
Abstract. Movement distances provide information on diverse population biological parameters and are essential in understanding the ecology of a species. Mean distances moved between successive captures (SD), distribution of movement distances, and the mean maximum distances moved (MMDM) were investigated in five rodent and two marsupial species in forest fragments of the coastal Atlantic rainforest (Mata Atlântica) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The investigated species were the rodents Akodon montensis (Thomas, 1902), Oligoryzomys nigripes (Olfers, 1818), Delomys sublineatus (Thomas, 1903), Oryzomys russatus (Wagner, 1848), and Thaptomys nigrita (Lichtenstein, 1829), and the marsupials Marmosops incanus (Lund 1840), and Gracilinanus microtarsus (Wagner, 1842). Akodon montensis differed significantly from all other species and moved the lowest SD and MMDM. The marsupials differed significantly from most of the rodents and moved the largest SDs. All species showed the highest frequency of movements in a distance class of 0–20 m. Differences between sexes in SD was detected for O. nigripes, O. russatus, and G. microtarsus, males moving significantly longer distances than females. The different study sites had no influence on SD in any of the investigated species. Only the males of G. microtarsus showed a seasonal variation in SD, moving longer distances during reproductive activity.
terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2012
Concurso Petrobás
Já estão abertas as inscrições para o processo seletivo da Petrobás S.A., com provas para serem realizadas no dia 06 de maio de 2012. Há duas vagas para biólogos (de qualquer área), e as inscrições vão até o dia 11 de abril de 2012. Visite o site da cesgranrio (http://www.cesgranrio.org.br/) para maiores informações e para fazer download do edital.
Não é uma notícia diretamente ligada a mamíferos, mas que pode interessar a muitos biólogos que visitam o blog.
Não é uma notícia diretamente ligada a mamíferos, mas que pode interessar a muitos biólogos que visitam o blog.
sábado, 31 de março de 2012
Hábitos alimentares de marsupiais didelfídeos brasileiros: análise do estado de conhecimento atual
LESSA, L.G.; GEISE, L. 2010. Hábitos alimentares de marsupiais didelfídeos brasileiros: análise do estado de conhecimento atual. Oecologia Austral 14(4):901-910.
Abstract. We evaluated the current knowledge on the feeding habits of Brazilian didelphids, considering the available information on changes in diet composition between biomes. We also compared the results obtained from the principal methods used in studies of diet in the field. Seasonal variation in resource availability appears to have a strong influence on the composition of the diet for most species, although most studies are merely descriptive, not directly assessing the availability of resources in the environment. Species with wide geographical range may vary their diet between different habitats or biomes. Despite the increase in the number of studies with the Brazilian marsupials over the last three decades, fundamental information on dietary habits for most species is scarce or nonexistent.
Abstract. We evaluated the current knowledge on the feeding habits of Brazilian didelphids, considering the available information on changes in diet composition between biomes. We also compared the results obtained from the principal methods used in studies of diet in the field. Seasonal variation in resource availability appears to have a strong influence on the composition of the diet for most species, although most studies are merely descriptive, not directly assessing the availability of resources in the environment. Species with wide geographical range may vary their diet between different habitats or biomes. Despite the increase in the number of studies with the Brazilian marsupials over the last three decades, fundamental information on dietary habits for most species is scarce or nonexistent.
quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012
Curso de Coleta e Taxidermia de Pequenos Mamíferos Terrestres
A Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia (SBMz) e a EMBRAPA - Pantanal estão promovendo o 1º Curso de Coleta e Taxidermia de Pequenos Mamíferos Terrestres. Este curso tem como objetivo introduzir os alunos a conceitos teóricos e a prática de trabalho de campo com pequenos mamíferos, com ênfase na prática de captura, eutanasia, taxidermia, e técnicas citogenéticas e moleculares.
Local: Fazenda Nhumirim, Campo Experimental da EMBRAPA Pantanal, Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul.
Data: de 29/06 a 04/07/2012 (após o encerramento do VI Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia).
Professores: Cibele Rodrigues Bonvicino (FIOCRUZ, RJ), Marcelo Weksler (Museu Nacional, UFRJ), Ana Lazar Gomes e Souza (FIOCRUZ, RJ), Pâmela Antunes (EMBRAPA-Pantanal).
Carga horária: 44 horas durante 6 dias.
Limite de 10 vagas
Valores: R$ 500,00 para sócios da SBMz e R$ 600,00 para não-sócios. Os valores incluem transporte (ida e volta) de Corumbá, hospedagem, alimentação e material de campo.
Programa do curso: Procedimentos para obtenção da licença de coleta para pequenos mamíferos junto ao Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; procedimentos junto à comissão de ética animal da instituição de origem para a realização da coleta; preparação do caderno de campo, etiquetas para meio seco e meio liquido e planilha para checagem das armadilhas; procedimentos de biosseguranca para coleta e preparação de pequenos mamíferos; preparação da isca, escolha das armadilhas; escolha dos locais, formação de trilhas, colocação e marcação de armadilhas, georeferenciamento das trilhas; procedimento de revisão e re-iscagem das armadilhas, transporte dos espécimes ao laboratório; procedimentos para eutanásia; procedimentos para taxidermia em meio seco, conservação em meio liquido, e transporte dos espécimes preparados; procedimentos para obtenção de células em suspensão, e coleta de tecidos para procedimentos moleculares; noções básicas de identificação dos pequenos mamíferos do Pantanal.
Requisitos básicos para participar do curso: levar repelente, protetor solar, perneira ou bota de cano longo e roupas adequadas (calça comprida e camisas de manga comprida para andar no campo), e estar em dia com as vacinas.
As inscrições estarão abertas até o dia 5 de maio. Para inscrever-se, enviar um email com seus dados (nome, identidade, formação, endereço) para: sbmz.diretoria@yahoo.com.br. Após a confirmação, basta fazer o depósito ou transferência bancária na conta da SBMz:
Banco do Brasil:
Agência: 3110-0
Conta corrente: 90100-8
e enviar o comprovante por email.
Depois é só aguardar a confirmação de sua inscrição.
Local: Fazenda Nhumirim, Campo Experimental da EMBRAPA Pantanal, Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul.
Data: de 29/06 a 04/07/2012 (após o encerramento do VI Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia).
Professores: Cibele Rodrigues Bonvicino (FIOCRUZ, RJ), Marcelo Weksler (Museu Nacional, UFRJ), Ana Lazar Gomes e Souza (FIOCRUZ, RJ), Pâmela Antunes (EMBRAPA-Pantanal).
Carga horária: 44 horas durante 6 dias.
Limite de 10 vagas
Valores: R$ 500,00 para sócios da SBMz e R$ 600,00 para não-sócios. Os valores incluem transporte (ida e volta) de Corumbá, hospedagem, alimentação e material de campo.
Programa do curso: Procedimentos para obtenção da licença de coleta para pequenos mamíferos junto ao Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; procedimentos junto à comissão de ética animal da instituição de origem para a realização da coleta; preparação do caderno de campo, etiquetas para meio seco e meio liquido e planilha para checagem das armadilhas; procedimentos de biosseguranca para coleta e preparação de pequenos mamíferos; preparação da isca, escolha das armadilhas; escolha dos locais, formação de trilhas, colocação e marcação de armadilhas, georeferenciamento das trilhas; procedimento de revisão e re-iscagem das armadilhas, transporte dos espécimes ao laboratório; procedimentos para eutanásia; procedimentos para taxidermia em meio seco, conservação em meio liquido, e transporte dos espécimes preparados; procedimentos para obtenção de células em suspensão, e coleta de tecidos para procedimentos moleculares; noções básicas de identificação dos pequenos mamíferos do Pantanal.
Requisitos básicos para participar do curso: levar repelente, protetor solar, perneira ou bota de cano longo e roupas adequadas (calça comprida e camisas de manga comprida para andar no campo), e estar em dia com as vacinas.
As inscrições estarão abertas até o dia 5 de maio. Para inscrever-se, enviar um email com seus dados (nome, identidade, formação, endereço) para: sbmz.diretoria@yahoo.com.br. Após a confirmação, basta fazer o depósito ou transferência bancária na conta da SBMz:
Banco do Brasil:
Agência: 3110-0
Conta corrente: 90100-8
e enviar o comprovante por email.
Depois é só aguardar a confirmação de sua inscrição.
sábado, 17 de março de 2012
Ecology of the water opossum Chironectes minimus in Atlantic forest streams of southeastern Brazil
GALLIEZ, M.; LEITE, M.S.; QUEIROZ, T.L.; FERNANDEZ, F.A.S. 2009. Ecology of the water opossum Chironectes minimus in Atlantic forest streams of southeastern Brazil. Journal of Mammalogy 90(1):93-103.
Abstract. We studied the population structure, spatial patterns, and activity patterns of the water opossum (Chironectes minimus) via capture-mark-recapture and radiotelemetry from October 2004 to October 2006 in Atlantic Forest streams in southeastern Brazil. We tested the hypothesis of reproductive seasonality, the usual pattern in neotropical marsupials, by examining recruitment of juveniles. The hypothesis was rejected, supporting the alternative hypothesis that breeding by water opossums was better explained by its habitat characteristics and prey availability than by its phylogenetic ancestry. The observed sex ratio was significantly biased toward males. The home lengths of individual water opossums varied from 844 to 3,724 m. Males had larger home lengths than females, and there were male-male and male-female overlaps. The longer home lengths for males may explain the observed sex ratio bias, because males are more exposed to capture. All individuals used stream stretches with preserved riparian forest, fast-flowing water, and stony substrate. The hypothesis that activity was homogeneously distributed throughout the night was rejected; activity began right after sunset and ended before sunrise, but with higher levels of activity in the first 6 h of the night. Because of anthropogenic alterations of hydrographic basins, water opossums may be threatened by reduction of their main habitat, streams with fast-flowing water and stony substrate.
Abstract. We studied the population structure, spatial patterns, and activity patterns of the water opossum (Chironectes minimus) via capture-mark-recapture and radiotelemetry from October 2004 to October 2006 in Atlantic Forest streams in southeastern Brazil. We tested the hypothesis of reproductive seasonality, the usual pattern in neotropical marsupials, by examining recruitment of juveniles. The hypothesis was rejected, supporting the alternative hypothesis that breeding by water opossums was better explained by its habitat characteristics and prey availability than by its phylogenetic ancestry. The observed sex ratio was significantly biased toward males. The home lengths of individual water opossums varied from 844 to 3,724 m. Males had larger home lengths than females, and there were male-male and male-female overlaps. The longer home lengths for males may explain the observed sex ratio bias, because males are more exposed to capture. All individuals used stream stretches with preserved riparian forest, fast-flowing water, and stony substrate. The hypothesis that activity was homogeneously distributed throughout the night was rejected; activity began right after sunset and ended before sunrise, but with higher levels of activity in the first 6 h of the night. Because of anthropogenic alterations of hydrographic basins, water opossums may be threatened by reduction of their main habitat, streams with fast-flowing water and stony substrate.
sábado, 10 de março de 2012
Arboreal tropical forest vertebrates: current knowledge and research trends
KAYS, R.; ALLISON, A. 2001. Arboreal tropical forest vertebrates: current knowledge and research trends. Plant Ecology 153:109-120.
Abstract. We review the ecology and specialized methods required for studying arboreal mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and use faunal checklists from 12 tropical wet forest sites and an analysis of all articles published during the past ten years in 14 major journals to assess current knowledge and general research trends for these groups. The percentage of arboreal vertebrates was remarkably similar at the different sites (76.2+/-3.9%). Birds were the most arboreal group and amphibians and reptiles the least. The review of journals showed that primates were overwhelmingly the most studied group (336 papers), followed by bats (105), passeriform birds (73) and rodents (55). Judging by their portion of the arboreal vertebrate community and the number of papers surveyed, birds and amphibians and reptiles are vastly understudied compared to mammals, but this is largely due to the great number of primate studies. The number of publications on arboreal vertebrates has remained relatively stable over the last 10 years for all taxa except primates, which have seen a growth in publications. Canopy vertebrates from Brazil had by the most publications (120), followed by Madagascar (61), Costa Rica (55) and Indonesia (42). We conclude by highlighting the priorities we see for future studies on tropical canopy vertebrates.
sábado, 3 de março de 2012
Uso do espaço vertical por pequenos mamíferos no Parque Nacional Serra dos Órgãos, RJ: um estudo de 10 anos utilizando três métodos de amostragem
PREVEDELLO, J.A.; FERREIRA, P.; PAPI, B.S.; LORETTO, D.; VIEIRA, M.V. 2008. Uso do espaço vertical por pequenos mamíferos no Parque Nacional Serra dos Órgãos, RJ: um estudo de 10 anos utilizando três métodos de amostragem. Espaço & Geografia 11(1):95-119.
Abstract. In this study we analyze the use of forest strata by species of small mammals using three sampling methods: livetraps, artificial nests, and spool-and-line devices. With livetraps and a total effort of 69,525 trap-nights (17,550 in the canopy) there were 2,759 captures of 1,172 individuals of 15 species, eight marsupials and seven rodents. In the nests, the effort was 6,018 nest verifications, with 71 individuals of six species registered. With the spool-and-line devices, 53,000 m of line were tracked in 403 paths of 272 individuals of four species of marsupials. Sampling the canopy was essential to properly characterize the structure of the community, particularly regarding relative abundance of species. The results of the different sampling methods were complementary, each one with its own advantages and limitations to study the vertical use of the forest by small mammals. The combination of the three methods revealed that the small mammal community in Garrafão is clearly stratified, but the vertical use of the forest by small mammals is more complex and sophisticated than a simple classification by dominant strata used. Some species use predominantly the ground, others the canopy, but only these extremes are detected by livetraps. This method alone does not allow a detailed analysis of use of the understory and even the canopy by predominantly terrestrial or scansorial species.
Abstract. In this study we analyze the use of forest strata by species of small mammals using three sampling methods: livetraps, artificial nests, and spool-and-line devices. With livetraps and a total effort of 69,525 trap-nights (17,550 in the canopy) there were 2,759 captures of 1,172 individuals of 15 species, eight marsupials and seven rodents. In the nests, the effort was 6,018 nest verifications, with 71 individuals of six species registered. With the spool-and-line devices, 53,000 m of line were tracked in 403 paths of 272 individuals of four species of marsupials. Sampling the canopy was essential to properly characterize the structure of the community, particularly regarding relative abundance of species. The results of the different sampling methods were complementary, each one with its own advantages and limitations to study the vertical use of the forest by small mammals. The combination of the three methods revealed that the small mammal community in Garrafão is clearly stratified, but the vertical use of the forest by small mammals is more complex and sophisticated than a simple classification by dominant strata used. Some species use predominantly the ground, others the canopy, but only these extremes are detected by livetraps. This method alone does not allow a detailed analysis of use of the understory and even the canopy by predominantly terrestrial or scansorial species.
sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012
Rarity in neotropical forest mammals and its ecological correlates
ARITA, H.T.; ROBINSON, J.G.; REDFORD, K.H. 1990. Rarity in neotropical forest mammals and its ecological correlates. Conservation Biology 4(2):181-192.
Abstract. Local density and size of distributional range have been used to characterize rarity, but conclusions are weakened by their possible lack of independence. The usefulness and validity of using these two variables were tested with data on distribution, local density, body size, and feeding habits for a set of 100 Neotropical forest mammals.
In a bivariate plot of distributional range against local density, species clustered according to their trophic or taxonomic groups. This indicates that diet and phylogenetic history have an influence on rarity. A negative correlation was found between distribution and abundance. However, this correlation was weaker within trophic or taxonomic groups, and vanished when body size was held constant. These results show that both distribution and abundance are valid and independent estimators of rarity when comparing species with similar sizes and ecological traits. Regression analysis showed that larger animals tend to have lower densities and wider distributional ranges. Rarity is clearly associated with body size.
A dichotomous classification of rarity based on area of distribution and local density is suitable for Neotropical forest mammals. Species in each of four categories created by such a scheme require different conservation and management policies that are determined by the ecological characteristics of the spcies. Final conservation strategies must also be shaped by political and economic constraints.
Abstract. Local density and size of distributional range have been used to characterize rarity, but conclusions are weakened by their possible lack of independence. The usefulness and validity of using these two variables were tested with data on distribution, local density, body size, and feeding habits for a set of 100 Neotropical forest mammals.
In a bivariate plot of distributional range against local density, species clustered according to their trophic or taxonomic groups. This indicates that diet and phylogenetic history have an influence on rarity. A negative correlation was found between distribution and abundance. However, this correlation was weaker within trophic or taxonomic groups, and vanished when body size was held constant. These results show that both distribution and abundance are valid and independent estimators of rarity when comparing species with similar sizes and ecological traits. Regression analysis showed that larger animals tend to have lower densities and wider distributional ranges. Rarity is clearly associated with body size.
A dichotomous classification of rarity based on area of distribution and local density is suitable for Neotropical forest mammals. Species in each of four categories created by such a scheme require different conservation and management policies that are determined by the ecological characteristics of the spcies. Final conservation strategies must also be shaped by political and economic constraints.
sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2012
Identificação de marsupiais do Rio Grande do Sul através da microestrutura dos pelos-guarda
ABREU, M.S.L.; CHRISTOFF, A.U.; VIEIRA, E.M. 2011. Identificação de marsupiais do Rio Grande do Sul através da microestrutura dos pelos-guarda. Biota Neotropica 11(3):377-386.
Abstract: The analysis of mammalian hairs is a non-invasive technique that may help in the identification of Brazilian marsupials. Our objective was to identify microscopic patterns of marsupial guard-hairs (cuticle and medulla) from species with occurrence in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. We also present a hair-based identification key for this group. Specifically for Monodelphis, a still taxonomically obscure genus that needs revision, we present detailed description of observed hair patterns. We obtained the analyzed material by collecting hair samples of marsupials captured in field or else deposited in different zoological collections. We identified hair patterns of ten marsupial species: Caluromys lanatus, Chironectes minimus, Didelphis aurita, Didelphis albiventris, Cryptonanus guahybae, Gracilinanusagilis, Gracilinanusmicrotarsus, Lutreolinacrassicaudata, Micoureusparaguayanus and Philander frenatus. Individuals of the Monodelphis genus were analyzed together, considered as part of the dimidiata group. We found three distinct patterns for this group, suggesting the possible occurrence of a third species besides the two already recognized (M. brevicaudis and M. dimidiata). These morphs show distinct distribution in the state, with some degree of distribution overlap. The analysis of microscopic patterns of mammal hairs allowed the successful identification of the great majority of marsupials that occur in the Rio Grande do Sul state. Our results suggest that the two Monodelphis species of the dimidiata group might occur with a distinct distribution in the state, one of them occupying mainly the northern part and the other one the eastern region, with some overlap in the central part of the state.
Abstract: The analysis of mammalian hairs is a non-invasive technique that may help in the identification of Brazilian marsupials. Our objective was to identify microscopic patterns of marsupial guard-hairs (cuticle and medulla) from species with occurrence in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. We also present a hair-based identification key for this group. Specifically for Monodelphis, a still taxonomically obscure genus that needs revision, we present detailed description of observed hair patterns. We obtained the analyzed material by collecting hair samples of marsupials captured in field or else deposited in different zoological collections. We identified hair patterns of ten marsupial species: Caluromys lanatus, Chironectes minimus, Didelphis aurita, Didelphis albiventris, Cryptonanus guahybae, Gracilinanusagilis, Gracilinanusmicrotarsus, Lutreolinacrassicaudata, Micoureusparaguayanus and Philander frenatus. Individuals of the Monodelphis genus were analyzed together, considered as part of the dimidiata group. We found three distinct patterns for this group, suggesting the possible occurrence of a third species besides the two already recognized (M. brevicaudis and M. dimidiata). These morphs show distinct distribution in the state, with some degree of distribution overlap. The analysis of microscopic patterns of mammal hairs allowed the successful identification of the great majority of marsupials that occur in the Rio Grande do Sul state. Our results suggest that the two Monodelphis species of the dimidiata group might occur with a distinct distribution in the state, one of them occupying mainly the northern part and the other one the eastern region, with some overlap in the central part of the state.
quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2012
VII Congresso Brasileiro de Unidades de Conservação
Mais um evento esta programado para ocorrer em 2012. É o VII Congresso Brasileiro de Unidades de Conservação, que ocorrerá entre os dias 24 e 27 de setembro de 2012, em Natal/RN. As inscrições e as submissões de trabalhos~já estão abertas.
Maiores informações no site do evento.
Maiores informações no site do evento.
sábado, 28 de janeiro de 2012
II Congresso Brasileiro de Ecologia de Paisagens
Prezados Colegas Pesquisadores, Profissionais e Estudantes,
Temos a honra de convidá-los a participarem do II Congresso Brasileiro de Ecologia de Paisagens, o qual será realizado no hotel Vila Galé na cidade de Salvador entre os dias 10 e 12 de setembro de 2012. A temática central do congresso é “Ecologia de Paisagens e sustentabilidade: Conectando a Teoria à Prática da Conservação”.
O evento pretende fortalecer a Ecologia de Paisagens no Brasil e dar continuidade aos trabalhos da IALE na América Latina. A exemplo do Congresso Latino-americano de 2009, esperamos contar com a presença de pesquisadores, profissionais e estudantes de todo o Brasil e América Latina.
Conjuntamente com o II-IALE-BR, ocorrerá o II Simpósio SCGIS-BR, organizado pelo ramo brasileiro da “Society for Conservation Geographic Information Systems”. O simpósio terá como tema “SIG para conservação da biodiversidade: apoiando o planejamento e gestão de paisagens sustentáveis”. Esse simpósio deve atrair, além de pesquisadores das áreas de Ecologia de Paisagens e de Conservação, diversos profissionais interessados nos recentes avanços dos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas aplicados à conservação ambiental.
Em anexo segue o cartaz de divulgação do evento. Pedimos o favor de auxiliar em sua circulação.
Além da apresentação de trabalhos na área, iremos contar com palestras de pesquisadores proeminentes na área de Ecologia de Paisagens, cujos nomes serão divulgados em breve.
Contamos com a sua presença em Salvador!
Danilo Boscolo
Presidente da IALE-BR e do II Congresso Brasileiro de Ecologia de Paisagensdanilo.boscolo@unifesp.br
Datas importantes
01/04/2012 - Propostas para Simpósios e Mesas-redondas
04/05/2012 - Notificação do aceite de Simpósios e Mesas-redondas
30/06/2012 - Submissão de resumos
30/07/2012 - Notificação do aceite dos resumos
06/08/2012 - Inscrição com desconto
01/09/2012 - Encerramento das inscrições online
Mais informações: http://www.eventus.com.br/iale2012
Download do cartaz.
Temos a honra de convidá-los a participarem do II Congresso Brasileiro de Ecologia de Paisagens, o qual será realizado no hotel Vila Galé na cidade de Salvador entre os dias 10 e 12 de setembro de 2012. A temática central do congresso é “Ecologia de Paisagens e sustentabilidade: Conectando a Teoria à Prática da Conservação”.
O evento pretende fortalecer a Ecologia de Paisagens no Brasil e dar continuidade aos trabalhos da IALE na América Latina. A exemplo do Congresso Latino-americano de 2009, esperamos contar com a presença de pesquisadores, profissionais e estudantes de todo o Brasil e América Latina.
Conjuntamente com o II-IALE-BR, ocorrerá o II Simpósio SCGIS-BR, organizado pelo ramo brasileiro da “Society for Conservation Geographic Information Systems”. O simpósio terá como tema “SIG para conservação da biodiversidade: apoiando o planejamento e gestão de paisagens sustentáveis”. Esse simpósio deve atrair, além de pesquisadores das áreas de Ecologia de Paisagens e de Conservação, diversos profissionais interessados nos recentes avanços dos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas aplicados à conservação ambiental.
Em anexo segue o cartaz de divulgação do evento. Pedimos o favor de auxiliar em sua circulação.
Além da apresentação de trabalhos na área, iremos contar com palestras de pesquisadores proeminentes na área de Ecologia de Paisagens, cujos nomes serão divulgados em breve.
Contamos com a sua presença em Salvador!
Danilo Boscolo
Presidente da IALE-BR e do II Congresso Brasileiro de Ecologia de Paisagensdanilo.boscolo@unifesp.br
Datas importantes
01/04/2012 - Propostas para Simpósios e Mesas-redondas
04/05/2012 - Notificação do aceite de Simpósios e Mesas-redondas
30/06/2012 - Submissão de resumos
30/07/2012 - Notificação do aceite dos resumos
06/08/2012 - Inscrição com desconto
01/09/2012 - Encerramento das inscrições online
Mais informações: http://www.eventus.com.br/iale2012
Download do cartaz.
quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2012
VI Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia - Grupo do Sul
A equipe do Laboratório de Ecologia de Mamíferos da Unisinos (São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul) está organizando um grupo de alunos e profissionais interessados em participar do VI Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia, que ocorrerá em Corumbá. O objetivo é tentar obter descontos em transporte e/ou hospedagem para grupo.
Os interessados devem entrar em contato com os alunos Nathalia Freitas (sfreitas.nathalia@gmail.com) ou Maury Abreu (maury.abreu@gmail.com). Salienta-se que a inscrição no evento e possíveis submissões de trabalhos são de responsabilidade do aluno. Os preços promocionais para a inscrição vão até o dia 5 de março de 2012. Maiores informações sobre o evento podem ser encontradas no site http://eventus.com.br/sbmz2012/index.html.
Os interessados devem entrar em contato com os alunos Nathalia Freitas (sfreitas.nathalia@gmail.com) ou Maury Abreu (maury.abreu@gmail.com). Salienta-se que a inscrição no evento e possíveis submissões de trabalhos são de responsabilidade do aluno. Os preços promocionais para a inscrição vão até o dia 5 de março de 2012. Maiores informações sobre o evento podem ser encontradas no site http://eventus.com.br/sbmz2012/index.html.
sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2012
Behavioral and physiologic responses to environmental enrichment in the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
CUMMINGS, D.; BROWN, J.L.; RODDEN, M.D.; SONGSASEN, N. 2007. Behavioral and physiologic responses to environmental enrichment in the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus). Zoo Biology 26:331-343.
Abstract. The ex situ population of maned wolves is not self-sustaining due to poor reproduction, caused primarily by parental incompetence. Studies have shown that environmental enrichment can promote natural parental behaviors in zoo animals. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of environmental enrichment on behavioral and physiological responses of maned wolves. During an 8-week experimental period, daily behavior observations and fecal sample collection were conducted on four adult wolves (2.2) individually housed in environments without enrichment. After 2 weeks, the wolves were chronologically provided with 2-week intervals of hiding dead mice around the exhibit, no enrichment, and introduction of boomer balls. Responses of the wolves to enrichment were assessed based on activity levels and exploratory rates, as well as the level of corticoid metabolites in fecal samples collected daily throughout the study period. Providing wolves with environmental enrichment significantly increased exploratory behaviors (P < 0.05), especially when mice were hidden in the enclosure. Fecal corticoid concentrations were increased during periods of enrichment in males (P < 0.05), but not in females. Overall, there were no correlations between behavioral responses to enrichment and fecal corticoid levels. Behavioral results suggest that environmental enrichment elicits positive effects on the behavior of captive maned wolves. There is evidence suggesting that providing animals with ability to forage for food is a more effective enrichment strategy than introducing objects. There is need for a longer term study to determine the impact of environmental enrichment in this species.
sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012
Variação espacial e influência do habitat na estrutura de comunidades de pequenos mamíferos em áreas de campo rupestre no Distrito Federal
SANTOS, R.A.L.; HENRIQUES, R.P.B. 2010. Variação espacial e influência do habitat na estrutura de comunidades de pequenos mamíferos em áreas de campo rupestre no Distrito Federal. Biota Neotropica 10(1):31-38.
Abstract. In the present study, we investigated the communities of small mammals in rocky fields in the Federal District. We examined the composition, abundance and richness and their relation to the structure of the habitat and if there is significant spatial variation in species composition among sites of rocky fields. Small mammals were sampled by live-trapping techniques in seven sites. The total effort for the seven sites was 5.680 trap-nights; we captured 157 individuals in eight species of rodents. Calomys tener and Cerradomys scotti were the most abundant species in the study sites, with 47.1 and 18.0% of total individuals, respectively. The results showed that the areas of rocky fields of the Federal District have a fauna of small mammals (average of four, range of variation of three to five species), comparable to other Cerrado physiognomies. The complexity of the habitat proved to be a major determinant in the composition of communities of small mammals in rocky fields. There was a distinction between communities of small mammals of the sites of APA Gama e Cabeça do Veado and the sites of the APA de Cafuringa. There was influence of the distance between the places on the composition of species with decreasing similarity with increasing distance among sites. The differences in environmental conditions, the structure of the habitat and the fact that it was possible two biogeographical regions may explain the faunal differences between the two regions.
Abstract. In the present study, we investigated the communities of small mammals in rocky fields in the Federal District. We examined the composition, abundance and richness and their relation to the structure of the habitat and if there is significant spatial variation in species composition among sites of rocky fields. Small mammals were sampled by live-trapping techniques in seven sites. The total effort for the seven sites was 5.680 trap-nights; we captured 157 individuals in eight species of rodents. Calomys tener and Cerradomys scotti were the most abundant species in the study sites, with 47.1 and 18.0% of total individuals, respectively. The results showed that the areas of rocky fields of the Federal District have a fauna of small mammals (average of four, range of variation of three to five species), comparable to other Cerrado physiognomies. The complexity of the habitat proved to be a major determinant in the composition of communities of small mammals in rocky fields. There was a distinction between communities of small mammals of the sites of APA Gama e Cabeça do Veado and the sites of the APA de Cafuringa. There was influence of the distance between the places on the composition of species with decreasing similarity with increasing distance among sites. The differences in environmental conditions, the structure of the habitat and the fact that it was possible two biogeographical regions may explain the faunal differences between the two regions.
quarta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2012
Fotos: Armadilha de pegada
Armadilhas de pegada são usadas em geral para registrar mamíferos de maior porte. Pode-se usar vários tipos de iscas, geralmente algum tipo de fruta, algum tipo de carne e sal (para ungulados).
Fotógrafo: Maury S.L. Abreu
Contato: maury.abreu@gmail.com
Fotógrafo: Maury S.L. Abreu
Contato: maury.abreu@gmail.com
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