quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012
XXV Jornadas Argentinas de Mastozoología
A Sociedade Argentina para o Estudo de Mamíferos (SAREM) e a Rede Latinoamericana de Mastozoologia (RELAM) convidam todos a participar das XXV Jornadas Argentinas de Mastozoología, e o II Congreso Latinoamericano de Mastozoología. Os eventos ocorrerão simultaneamente em Buenos Aires, Argentina, entre os dias 6 e 9 de novembro de 2012. Maiores informações no site do evento: http://sarem2012.com.ar/.
segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
III Congreso de la Sociedad Peruana de Mastozoología
A Sociedade Peruana de Mastozoologia, o Instituto de Paleontologia da Universidade Nacional de Piura, e a Comissão Organizadora convidem todos os interessados a participar do III Congreso de la Sociedad Peruana de Mastozoología. O evento ocorrerá em Piura, no Perú, entre os dias 07 e 11 de outubro de 2012. As inscrições estão abertas pelo e-mail iiicongresospm@yahoo.com. Para maiores informações (incluindo custos) faça download da Primeira Circular.
sábado, 26 de maio de 2012
Morcegos (Chiroptera) capturados em lagoas do Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
LUZ, J.L.; MANGOLIN, R.; ESBÉRARD, C.E.L.; BERGALLO, H.G. 2011. Morcegos (Chiroptera) capturados em lagoas do Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Biota Neotropica 11(4):000-000.
Abstract. The aim of this study was to perform a list of bat species captured in six lagoons in the Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The park is located about 180 km eastward of Rio de Janeiro city and covers the municipalities of Macaé, Carapebus and Quissamã. The region is dominated by sand dunes and sand ridges formed in the Quaternary. We captured 149 bats belonging to three families and 14 species. Most species caught in restinga de Jurubatiba were frugivores, partly due to technique employed, mist-net, that favors the capture of individuals of the Phyllostomidae family. Five species are uncommonly captured in bats inventories (Uroderma magnirostrum, Lasiurus cinereus, Lophostoma brasiliense, Chiroderma villosum and Diaemus youngi). Species caught varied among lagoons, showing the importance of these habitats for maintaining the diversity of bats.
Abstract. The aim of this study was to perform a list of bat species captured in six lagoons in the Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The park is located about 180 km eastward of Rio de Janeiro city and covers the municipalities of Macaé, Carapebus and Quissamã. The region is dominated by sand dunes and sand ridges formed in the Quaternary. We captured 149 bats belonging to three families and 14 species. Most species caught in restinga de Jurubatiba were frugivores, partly due to technique employed, mist-net, that favors the capture of individuals of the Phyllostomidae family. Five species are uncommonly captured in bats inventories (Uroderma magnirostrum, Lasiurus cinereus, Lophostoma brasiliense, Chiroderma villosum and Diaemus youngi). Species caught varied among lagoons, showing the importance of these habitats for maintaining the diversity of bats.
sábado, 19 de maio de 2012
Cetaceans registered on the coast of Ilhéus (Bahia), northeastern Brazil
BATISTA, R.L.G.; SCHIAVETTI, A.; SANTOS, U.A.; REIS, M.S.S. 2012. Cetaceans registered on the coast of Ilhéus (Bahia), northeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica 12(1):000-000.
Abstract. Stranded cetaceans have scientific value and may confirm the occurrence of some species or indicate their geographical distribution in an area. The collection of biological material can also contribute to improve the knowledge of the species or populations inhabiting certain areas. This study aimed to record live or dead cetaceans found ashore along the coast of Ilhéus, Bahia State, northeastern Brazil. Data were collected through a campaign called "SOS strandings, whales, porpoises and dolphins." Between 1997 and 1999 three hundred posters and five hundred folders were distributed to beach huts, shops, fishing associations and settlements, the city’s municipal government, the Brazilian Environmental Agency (IBAMA) and fire stations. During this campaign, which lasted until 2007 it was possible to record 38 cetaceans of ten species on the coast of Ilhéus: Physeter macrocephalus, Megaptera novaeangliae, Globicephala macrorhynchus, Orcinus orca, Peponocephala electra, Stenella clymene, Feresa attenuata, Ziphius cavirostris, Steno bredanensis and Sotalia guianensis. The greatest numbers of records were observed between 2000 and 2003, which was the period after the distribution of banners and posters. The majority of the carcasses were recovered near the city downtown area (<10 km) and there was not a relationship between the state of the carcasses and the distance from that area.
Abstract. Stranded cetaceans have scientific value and may confirm the occurrence of some species or indicate their geographical distribution in an area. The collection of biological material can also contribute to improve the knowledge of the species or populations inhabiting certain areas. This study aimed to record live or dead cetaceans found ashore along the coast of Ilhéus, Bahia State, northeastern Brazil. Data were collected through a campaign called "SOS strandings, whales, porpoises and dolphins." Between 1997 and 1999 three hundred posters and five hundred folders were distributed to beach huts, shops, fishing associations and settlements, the city’s municipal government, the Brazilian Environmental Agency (IBAMA) and fire stations. During this campaign, which lasted until 2007 it was possible to record 38 cetaceans of ten species on the coast of Ilhéus: Physeter macrocephalus, Megaptera novaeangliae, Globicephala macrorhynchus, Orcinus orca, Peponocephala electra, Stenella clymene, Feresa attenuata, Ziphius cavirostris, Steno bredanensis and Sotalia guianensis. The greatest numbers of records were observed between 2000 and 2003, which was the period after the distribution of banners and posters. The majority of the carcasses were recovered near the city downtown area (<10 km) and there was not a relationship between the state of the carcasses and the distance from that area.
sábado, 12 de maio de 2012
Diet of Didelphis aurita and Micoureus paraguayanus and the fruit availability in a semideciduous Atlantic forest in Southern Brazil
CASELLA, J. 2011. Diet of Didelphis aurita and Micoureus paraguayanus and the fruit availability in a semideciduous Atlantic forest in Southern Brazil. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 6(2):85-93.
Abstract. This study analysed the effects of diets and resource partitioning among Didelphis aurita and Micoureus paraguayanus, and their relationships with food availability in a semideciduous Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil. Species were separated by sex, age and reproductive condition to compare with dietary data. The fruit availability in the area was quantified bimonthly through collection of fleshy fruits and flowers available on the ground of the study area. Individuals of D. aurita trapped in the canopy vs. those trapped on the ground, or even regarding age and sex classes, did not differ in regards to their diet composition. Animals studied were heterogeneous in relation to their diet composition, being significantly different from each other (p = 0.03). The largest diversity indexes observed for both species in faeces and in the environment occurred during the rainy season. Both species presented insects in their diets, but with natural tendency to consume fruits or vertebrates (D. aurita). Rhythms of fructification of Piper sp. correlated with consumption by D. aurita (rs = 0.90, p = 0.03) and not by M. paraguayanus (rs = 0.40, p = 0.60). There were tendencies where independent young and lactiferous females of D. aurita correlated to the peaks of fruit availability during the rainy season.
Abstract. This study analysed the effects of diets and resource partitioning among Didelphis aurita and Micoureus paraguayanus, and their relationships with food availability in a semideciduous Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil. Species were separated by sex, age and reproductive condition to compare with dietary data. The fruit availability in the area was quantified bimonthly through collection of fleshy fruits and flowers available on the ground of the study area. Individuals of D. aurita trapped in the canopy vs. those trapped on the ground, or even regarding age and sex classes, did not differ in regards to their diet composition. Animals studied were heterogeneous in relation to their diet composition, being significantly different from each other (p = 0.03). The largest diversity indexes observed for both species in faeces and in the environment occurred during the rainy season. Both species presented insects in their diets, but with natural tendency to consume fruits or vertebrates (D. aurita). Rhythms of fructification of Piper sp. correlated with consumption by D. aurita (rs = 0.90, p = 0.03) and not by M. paraguayanus (rs = 0.40, p = 0.60). There were tendencies where independent young and lactiferous females of D. aurita correlated to the peaks of fruit availability during the rainy season.
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