Prezados Colegas Pesquisadores, Profissionais e Estudantes,
Temos a honra de convidá-los a participarem do II Congresso Brasileiro de Ecologia de Paisagens, o qual será realizado no hotel Vila Galé na cidade de Salvador entre os dias 10 e 12 de setembro de 2012. A temática central do congresso é “Ecologia de Paisagens e sustentabilidade: Conectando a Teoria à Prática da Conservação”.
O evento pretende fortalecer a Ecologia de Paisagens no Brasil e dar continuidade aos trabalhos da IALE na América Latina. A exemplo do Congresso Latino-americano de 2009, esperamos contar com a presença de pesquisadores, profissionais e estudantes de todo o Brasil e América Latina.
Conjuntamente com o II-IALE-BR, ocorrerá o II Simpósio SCGIS-BR, organizado pelo ramo brasileiro da “Society for Conservation Geographic Information Systems”. O simpósio terá como tema “SIG para conservação da biodiversidade: apoiando o planejamento e gestão de paisagens sustentáveis”. Esse simpósio deve atrair, além de pesquisadores das áreas de Ecologia de Paisagens e de Conservação, diversos profissionais interessados nos recentes avanços dos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas aplicados à conservação ambiental.
Em anexo segue o cartaz de divulgação do evento. Pedimos o favor de auxiliar em sua circulação.
Além da apresentação de trabalhos na área, iremos contar com palestras de pesquisadores proeminentes na área de Ecologia de Paisagens, cujos nomes serão divulgados em breve.
Contamos com a sua presença em Salvador!
Danilo Boscolo
Presidente da IALE-BR e do II Congresso Brasileiro de Ecologia de
Datas importantes
01/04/2012 - Propostas para Simpósios e Mesas-redondas
04/05/2012 - Notificação do aceite de Simpósios e Mesas-redondas
30/06/2012 - Submissão de resumos
30/07/2012 - Notificação do aceite dos resumos
06/08/2012 - Inscrição com desconto
01/09/2012 - Encerramento das inscrições online
Mais informações:
Download do cartaz.
sábado, 28 de janeiro de 2012
quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2012
VI Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia - Grupo do Sul
A equipe do Laboratório de Ecologia de Mamíferos da Unisinos (São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul) está organizando um grupo de alunos e profissionais interessados em participar do VI Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia, que ocorrerá em Corumbá. O objetivo é tentar obter descontos em transporte e/ou hospedagem para grupo.
Os interessados devem entrar em contato com os alunos Nathalia Freitas ( ou Maury Abreu ( Salienta-se que a inscrição no evento e possíveis submissões de trabalhos são de responsabilidade do aluno. Os preços promocionais para a inscrição vão até o dia 5 de março de 2012. Maiores informações sobre o evento podem ser encontradas no site
Os interessados devem entrar em contato com os alunos Nathalia Freitas ( ou Maury Abreu ( Salienta-se que a inscrição no evento e possíveis submissões de trabalhos são de responsabilidade do aluno. Os preços promocionais para a inscrição vão até o dia 5 de março de 2012. Maiores informações sobre o evento podem ser encontradas no site
sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2012
Behavioral and physiologic responses to environmental enrichment in the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
CUMMINGS, D.; BROWN, J.L.; RODDEN, M.D.; SONGSASEN, N. 2007. Behavioral and physiologic responses to environmental enrichment in the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus). Zoo Biology 26:331-343.
Abstract. The ex situ population of maned wolves is not self-sustaining due to poor reproduction, caused primarily by parental incompetence. Studies have shown that environmental enrichment can promote natural parental behaviors in zoo animals. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of environmental enrichment on behavioral and physiological responses of maned wolves. During an 8-week experimental period, daily behavior observations and fecal sample collection were conducted on four adult wolves (2.2) individually housed in environments without enrichment. After 2 weeks, the wolves were chronologically provided with 2-week intervals of hiding dead mice around the exhibit, no enrichment, and introduction of boomer balls. Responses of the wolves to enrichment were assessed based on activity levels and exploratory rates, as well as the level of corticoid metabolites in fecal samples collected daily throughout the study period. Providing wolves with environmental enrichment significantly increased exploratory behaviors (P < 0.05), especially when mice were hidden in the enclosure. Fecal corticoid concentrations were increased during periods of enrichment in males (P < 0.05), but not in females. Overall, there were no correlations between behavioral responses to enrichment and fecal corticoid levels. Behavioral results suggest that environmental enrichment elicits positive effects on the behavior of captive maned wolves. There is evidence suggesting that providing animals with ability to forage for food is a more effective enrichment strategy than introducing objects. There is need for a longer term study to determine the impact of environmental enrichment in this species.
sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012
Variação espacial e influência do habitat na estrutura de comunidades de pequenos mamíferos em áreas de campo rupestre no Distrito Federal
SANTOS, R.A.L.; HENRIQUES, R.P.B. 2010. Variação espacial e influência do habitat na estrutura de comunidades de pequenos mamíferos em áreas de campo rupestre no Distrito Federal. Biota Neotropica 10(1):31-38.
Abstract. In the present study, we investigated the communities of small mammals in rocky fields in the Federal District. We examined the composition, abundance and richness and their relation to the structure of the habitat and if there is significant spatial variation in species composition among sites of rocky fields. Small mammals were sampled by live-trapping techniques in seven sites. The total effort for the seven sites was 5.680 trap-nights; we captured 157 individuals in eight species of rodents. Calomys tener and Cerradomys scotti were the most abundant species in the study sites, with 47.1 and 18.0% of total individuals, respectively. The results showed that the areas of rocky fields of the Federal District have a fauna of small mammals (average of four, range of variation of three to five species), comparable to other Cerrado physiognomies. The complexity of the habitat proved to be a major determinant in the composition of communities of small mammals in rocky fields. There was a distinction between communities of small mammals of the sites of APA Gama e Cabeça do Veado and the sites of the APA de Cafuringa. There was influence of the distance between the places on the composition of species with decreasing similarity with increasing distance among sites. The differences in environmental conditions, the structure of the habitat and the fact that it was possible two biogeographical regions may explain the faunal differences between the two regions.
Abstract. In the present study, we investigated the communities of small mammals in rocky fields in the Federal District. We examined the composition, abundance and richness and their relation to the structure of the habitat and if there is significant spatial variation in species composition among sites of rocky fields. Small mammals were sampled by live-trapping techniques in seven sites. The total effort for the seven sites was 5.680 trap-nights; we captured 157 individuals in eight species of rodents. Calomys tener and Cerradomys scotti were the most abundant species in the study sites, with 47.1 and 18.0% of total individuals, respectively. The results showed that the areas of rocky fields of the Federal District have a fauna of small mammals (average of four, range of variation of three to five species), comparable to other Cerrado physiognomies. The complexity of the habitat proved to be a major determinant in the composition of communities of small mammals in rocky fields. There was a distinction between communities of small mammals of the sites of APA Gama e Cabeça do Veado and the sites of the APA de Cafuringa. There was influence of the distance between the places on the composition of species with decreasing similarity with increasing distance among sites. The differences in environmental conditions, the structure of the habitat and the fact that it was possible two biogeographical regions may explain the faunal differences between the two regions.
quarta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2012
Fotos: Armadilha de pegada
Armadilhas de pegada são usadas em geral para registrar mamíferos de maior porte. Pode-se usar vários tipos de iscas, geralmente algum tipo de fruta, algum tipo de carne e sal (para ungulados).
Fotógrafo: Maury S.L. Abreu
Fotógrafo: Maury S.L. Abreu
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